the fight pt.4

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                                                Jessica's POV

       Finally he showed everyone got in position and we talked and as he was about to knock me out everyone attacked him and to my suprise he was alone. I actually felt bad for him but he deserved it. Dean showed me how to fight really wellso I gave him an uper cut to the jaw lower cut to the stomache and a knee to the groin. Everybody laughed at how easily I took him down and Cas said "You always could fight well but you never showed just how great you could fight." "Thanks Dean taught me but I think I broke my hand and maybe part of my knee."

                                        Dean's POV

        Jess used my technique for fighting but she thinks she broke her right hand and part of her left knee thanks to my dumbass. There are five steps but she only needed three. Here is my procedure:

        1. Upper cut.

        2. Lower cut.

        3. Knee to the groin.

        4. Another upper cut.

        5. Combo combine the first four steps twice.

                                                        Michaels POV

        Wow she never fought like that in a school fight it was amazing. The only bad thing is she might have broken her hand and a part of her knee but other than that it was amazing. She loves having Lucifer here while I hate it when will the tourture end. I actually miss how we were really close when were young we were created at the beggining of time.


        M: Come on Hanuara lighten up a bit

                J/H: No Micheal I have you all to protect

                        L: Yeah Michael listen to our big sister

                J/H: Lucifer stay out of this

        M: Haha

                J/H: Timeout for both of you

                        M and L: But why

              J/H: Cause I need to concentrate and peace and quite.

                                !__-*Flashback end!__-*

                                                        Lucifer's POV

        I love family bonding moments like this one. Yeah sure I always got into trouble but what would you expect I hated humans and I wouldn't quit until they were against God. I love my father but I hate my brother for loving those creatures. I mean Jess loved them but I won't hate my sister never. NEVER I TELL YOU.

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