Chapter 5: the monster killer and the escape of the Fabricated World

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(A/N: hello reader welcome to Chapter 5 and now it's time for things to get creepy. Now let's begin)

Godzilla P.O.V

"Godzilla and the others were walking into a dark place, Godzilla dorsal spines were glowing and he was using it as flashlight but they didn't know where they were going, everything was so dark it was hard to see"

Godzilla: "looking around" it's really hard to see a thing

Solomon: is there even a exit ?

Godzilla: i don't know

Garry: so were stuck in there

Aya: are we ?

Godzilla: don't worry Aya we'll get out of here safely

"Suddenly a strange noise was heared but it was hard to see what made that noise in this place"

(A/N: here's how the noise sounds like)

Ib: what was that ?

Garry: sounds like a hissing

Aya: so it's a snake

Godzilla: sounds bigger than that

"The hissing became more louder, Ib hides behind Garry while Aya hides behind Godzilla. The thing kept hissing and Godzilla started to get angry and he fired his atomic breath and the atomic breath turned into a blue door which surprised everyone"

Godzilla: w-what

Solomon: did your atomic breath just turned into a blue door

Godzilla: it looks like

"They went to the blue door, Godzilla opened the door and they all went inside. They were now in a blue room covered with blood"

Aya: i-it's that....blood

???: why of courssse

"They heared a voice coming from the room"

Godzilla: who's there ?

???: i'm jussst right here

"They looked straight and saw a creature who had a long brown furry body, the head of snake, his left arm was the arm of a lion and his right arm was the head of a dragon, his left foot was the foot of a goat and his right foot was the foot of a bird, he had the tail of a mermaid and he had huge bat wings. The creature was covered with blood"

Godzilla: who are you ?

???: my name isss Ssscorpia "looks at Aya" and i sssee that you have one deliciousss meat

Godzilla: "stands infront of Aya" you won't touch her

Scorpia: "starts laughing while hissing" ooooh pleassse don't make me laugh

"The dragon head from Scorpia right arm starts to growl"

Godzilla: what do you want ?

Scorpia: the sssame thing asss Geronimon

(A/N: here's the battle music)

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