Chapter 15: Death

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 15, let's see what's happening. Now let's begin)

Godzilla P.O.V

(A/N: music)

"The chase was still going on as the others were trying to get away from the humanoid monster"

Solomon: does anyone have an idea to get away from this thing ?!

Godzilla: how do you expect us to think while we're being chased by this thing ?!

Solomon: oh i don't know ! Do you have a better idea ?!

Sayori: guys ! Arguing won't help ! There must be a way in which we can hide !

"Godzilla began looking around for a way to hide from the humanoid monster but as they were running, it was impossible to take a look as they were trying to get away from the humanoid monster"

Godzilla: guess i have no choice

"he stopped running and turns around to fire his Atomic Breath hitting the humanoid monster and causing it to roar in pain but as he did that, his eyes widen and he stopped firing his Atomic Breath as he then coughs out blood and falls his knees feeling the pain on his throat. The humanoid monster was getting closer to him and opened it's mouth as it get's ready to rip his head off, Godzilla's eyes widen in fear as he thought that he was going to die but suddenly the humanoid monster got distracted by Solomon who was holding a knife and buries it into the monster's left eye causing it to roar in agonizing pain"

Solomon: "helps Godzilla up" come on we got to move !

Godzilla: r-right

"They continued running as the humanoid monster takes out the knife out of it's left eye and let's out a frustrated roar"

"They continued running as the humanoid monster takes out the knife out of it's left eye and let's out a frustrated roar"

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"As they're continued on running trying to find a way to hide, they suddenly come across a door"

Aya: a door !

Godzilla: this could be the exit ! Quick !

"They began running towards the door and Godzilla tried to open it but as he tried, he found that the door was locked"

Godzilla: it's locked !

Sayori: what ?!

Solomon: this is bad !

"They turn around to see the humanoid monster getting closer to them, Aya hides behind Sayori while Godzilla get's in front of Sayori"

Solomon: are you sure we can take this guy down ?

Godzilla: doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't lay a finger on them

"The humanoid monster let out a roar as it then charges towards them"

(A/N: end of the music)

"Suddenly something appeared right in front of them, their eyes widen when they saw who it was"

Godzilla: Scorpia ?!

Scorpia: yes. Indeed it is me and if you think that i'm here to kill you. Then you're wrong

Godzilla: what ?

Scorpia: i'm here to help you. That damn Red is really a pain and i want him dead. So enjoy the ride "snaps his fingers"

"Suddenly numerous snakes came out of the ground and wrapped themselves around everyone"

Solomon: uhh is this suppose to help us ?

Scorpia: don't worry. You will all be safe

"The snakes then drags them underground leaving Scorpia with the huge blue humanoid monster"

Scorpia: let's see which one of us is the true killer

(A/N: music)

"Scorpia let's out a roar as he charges towards the humanoid monster and tackles it to the ground, he buries his claws on the monster's chest causing a little bit of pain but the humanoid monster grabs Scorpia by his neck and throws him off, the humanoid monster get's up as it then steps on Scorpia's right wing breaking it and causing Scorpia to roar in pain. The dragon head extends as it wraps itself around the monster's neck beginning to constrict but what happened next is something that Scorpia will regret, the humanoid monster grabs the extended dragon head as it then rips it out which caused Scorpia to roar in agonizing pain as he twitches uncontrollably to the ground feeling the pain of the dragon head who was also his left arm ripped out. The humanoid monster was about to grab his tail but Scorpia quickly begins running as the humanoid monster chases him, Scorpia then goes inside a room breathing heavily, he couldn't fly because his right wing were broken and he was in agonizing pain, he turns around to see humanoid monster going towards him, it seems that all was over for him as the humanoid monster then charges towards him"

(A/N: end of the music)

"Suddenly the humanoid monster was in fire as it began roaring in agonizing pain and it then turns into ashes, Scorpia saw the devil monster Red walking towards him"

Red: what a shame. You call yourself the monster killer yet you help your victims

Scorpia: if there's one thing i learned. Is that you should never trust a devil ! Not even a bastard like you !

(A/N: music)

Red: is that so ?

"Suddenly the door of the room disappeared only leaving walls"

Red: then may this place be your grave

"Red's eyes began glowing as he then disappears, coming out of the ground were numerous huge cockroaches"

Scorpia: what ?! No !!!

"Scorpia looked around trying to find a way out of the room but there was no way out, having no choice but to fight, he fires a green liquid which burns most of the cockroaches but more were still coming. He crushes the cockroaches with his tail but suddenly one of them grabbed on his tail and began bitting which caused Scorpia to groan in pain, Scorpia throws that cockroach away but the swarm was climbing on him and began bitting him. Scorpia roars in agonizing pain as the cockaroaches were eating him alive, he was trying to get them off but it was too late, all he could do was scream in agony as he was being eaten alive by cockaroaches"

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for this chapter hope you enjoy and i'll see you guys next time)

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