Final Chapter: The Near End

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to the last chapter of the story. Now let's begin)

Godzilla P.O.V

(A/N: music)

"Godzilla groaned in pain as he slowy opened his eyes and looked around to see that he was in the world that he never wanted to return. Red's world. Godzilla suddenly felt something that he hasn't felt in years. Fear"

Godzilla: "get's up" no ! No ! No ! No ! I'm back in this horrifying place ! "eyes widen and looks around" Sayori !!!! Sayori where are you !!!!

"Godzilla kept calling her by her name but he had no response, Godzilla was now really worried, first Aya disappears and now Sayori, Godzilla refused to lose them and to be alone. Since he was in Red's world, he had an idea but this might cost him his life"

Godzilla: "sighs" here goes nothing "clears his throat and breathes" Red !!!!! Show yourself you bastard !!!!!!!

"And soon enough, Red appeared, walking towards him"

Red: well. I'm surprised that you still have courage

Godzilla: i may be a human but i will not let fear take over me

Red: it seems that you want to see both girls

Godzilla: yes !!!!! What have you done with Aya and Sayori !!!!!

Red: well. Someone is angry. Don't worry their fine

"Red's eyes began to glow and suddenly a big red cage appeared and inside that cage were both Aya and Sayori"

Godzilla: Aya ! Sayori !

Aya: Godzilla ! Your alright !

Godzilla: let them go Red ! It's me you want don't you !

Red: indeed you are right. But i'm not letting them go

Godzilla: why ?! Don't get them involved in this ! This is between you and me !

Red: oh Godzilla. You thought that you could escape me and with them without even telling them the truth

Sayori: the truth ?

Godzilla: what are you talking about ?!

Red: seems that i will be the one to tell them the truth

(A/N: end of the music)

(A/N: music)

Red: Aya. Remember when your home was attacked by those creatures. It was me that caused those creatures to destroy your home and kill your loved ones "Aya's eyes widen" but should thank me because your father was about to turn you into a doll. As for you Sayori. Remember when Monika always said that you are worthless and you needed to ended it all. It was me who told you to kill yourself "Sayori's eyes widen" and besides you really are worthless

"Godzilla was completely shocked by what he heard, Red had torture them all this time, both Aya and Sayori began to cry"

Godzilla: monster !!!!!!

Red: monster ? Are you sure about that ?

"Red's eyes began to glow and Godzilla yelled in pain as he transforms back into a monster"

Godzilla: "groans in pain" what have you done with me ? "looks at his hands and eyes widen" no ! NO !!!!

Red: what's the matter ? Aren't you satisfied to be yourself once again

Godzilla: NO !!!!!! I wanted to stay as a human !!! To take care of Aya as a father !!! And to love Sayori as a husband !!!

"Both Aya and Sayori's eyes widen to what he said"

Red: is that so. Well unfortunately for you. You will stay like this forever and if you think that you could kill me. Well you're wrong

(A/N: end of the music)

(A/N: music)

"Godzilla then noticed something on the ground that was next to Red, his eyes widen in shock to what he saw. It was the corpse of Geronimon and he looked to be brutally killed having his head missing. When Godzilla faces Red again, he saw the kaiju devil holding a glowing yellow stone"

Red: this stone could apparently give you the opportunity to kill me. But not for long

"Red then throws the stone on the ground and crushes it using his spider leg leaving it into small peaces"

Red: it's time for me to finish what i should have done

"Red began running towards Godzilla, Godzilla prepared himself to fire his Atomic Breath but it was too late, Red stabbed Godzilla in his chest using his spider leg"

Aya/Sayori: Godzilla !!!!

"Godzilla coughs out blood out of his mouth as he backs away putting his hands on his chest and falls to his knees, he was bleeding heavily"

Red: DIE !!!!!!

"Suddenly a huge hole appeared on the ground and Godzilla began to fall but Godzilla would not let himself die like this so he holds on the edge of the hole, Godzilla's injury made things worse but he refused to let go, Red was starting to lose his patience so he walks towards him"

Red: why can't just accept it ?

Godzilla: because..................i will not let you get away like this

Red: unfortunately for you "eyes glows" i already have

"Red then slashes Godzilla's right eye causing him in roar in pain as he loses his grip and falls down into hell"

Aya/Sayori: NOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!

"Red let's out a loud bellowing roar and the hole then disappears"

Red: finally. He's gone

Aya: no "sobs" he can't be...

Red: cry all you want but that won't bring him

Sayori: you monster !!!!!

Red: oh please. Don't tell me you love him

"Sayori couldn't respond as she keeps crying"

Red: it's time for my kingdom to rise

"Red's eyes began to glow and numerous demon like monsters come out of the ground and began to fly around as they prepare themselves to cause pain"

Aya: what..........what are we gonna do now ?

Sayori: i don't know Aya..............i don't know

The End

(A/N: ending music)

(A/N: and that's all for the last chapter hope you enjoy the story and i'll see you guys next time)

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