Chapter 1: the Entropy forest

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 1 this is the beginning of Godzilla adventure and also the story takes place after "Nes Godzilla Replay" which is a sequel of "Nes Godzilla Creepypasta". Now let's begin)

Godzilla P.O.V

"Godzilla was walking into a forest in the middle of the night, he was trying to find the way out of the forest but all he sees were trees and strange animals"

Godzilla: why is this place so familiar it's like i've been there already and why am i human size ? Well it doesn't matter all i need to do is to find the way out

"Godzilla kept trying and trying on fiding the way out but he seems that he's lost in this forest. Godzilla was about to give up until he heard a scream"

Godzilla: "hears a scream" someone is in danger

"Godzilla was running into the direction he heard the scream, he finally made it and saw a black and red creature attacking a little girl"

Little girl: no please leave me alone !

"The creature was roaring at her and was slowy walking towards her, Godzilla let out a roar to have the creature attention"

(A/N: here's the music for the battle)

"The creature turned around and saw Godzilla, it roared and ranned towards him, the creature was about to jump on him but Godzilla hit it with his tail sending it flying into a tree, as he did that a pack of them were running towards Godzilla. Godzilla dorsal spines glows and he fired his atomic breath killing the creatures but he didn't know that one of them was behind him"

Little girl: behind you !

"But it was too late for Godzilla to turn around as the creature quickly ranned at Godzilla and bite his arm which made Godzilla roar in pain, then Godzilla grabbed the creature by the neck, slammed the creature in the ground and crushed it's face, Godzilla thought it was over but more creatures came out and they were on top of Godzilla, they started bitting Godzilla which made Godzilla roar in pain. Godzilla tried to get the creatures off him until he got an idea, Godzilla ranned and slammed into trees making the creatures all fall off until the creatures were finally off him, Godzilla let out a loud roar scaring the creatures"

(A/N: end of the music)

"Godzilla tried to walk but he was badly injured, the little girl slowy walked towards Godzilla to see if he was alright but Godzilla falls to the ground and passed out"

Godzilla's dream

"Godzilla was in place that was filled with fire, Godzilla looked around and saw a red creature, Godzilla was wondering who that red creature was until he realized that the red creature was the creature that Godzilla never wanted to see again, Godzilla started running but it was to late as the red creature already caught Godzilla and started burning him"

Back to reality

"Godzilla woke up breathing heavily and saw that he was in a cave, Godzilla saw that he filled with bandages, he looked around and saw the little girl sleeping, he smiled knowing that she was alright, he then lay down and started sleeping"

The next day

"Godzilla woke up feeling better as he got up he looked outside and saw that it was day time Godzilla was ready to go but he didn't realized that the little girl was awake"

Little girl: your leaving

"Godzilla turned around and saw the little girl she sounds sad thought Godzilla, he moved his head meaning no"

Little girl: really ! Oh thank you very much

"Godzilla smiled knowing that shes happy"

Little girl: my name is Aya what's your name

"Godzilla didn't know what to do should he talk or not"

Aya: oh you don't seem to talk

Godzilla: actually i do

Aya: oh you do talk

Godzilla: yeah my name is Godzilla

Aya: it's nice to meet you Godzilla

Godzilla: it's nice to meet you too Aya

"Godzilla then looks outside"

Godzilla: i think we need to get out of here

Aya: are you sure it's safe

Godzilla: don't worry i'll protect you

"Aya eyes widen after what Godzilla said"

Aya: "smiles" alright

"Aya got up and they were both ready and they started walking, as they continue walking they heard differents sounds from differents animals which scared Aya"

Aya: why are they so many sounds

Godzilla: well we are in forest so of course this one will have animals but atleast some of them are not dangerous

"They both heard sounds behind them they quickly turn around and saw raptors with hair on their back"

Aya: what are those

Godzilla: hairy raptors

"The raptors looked hungry thought Godzilla, he quickly holds Aya hand"

Godzilla: we need to get out of here

"Aya nodded and they started running, the raptors were following them, as they were running Godzilla saw a light in a distance and he realized that it was the way out"

Godzilla: Aya we need to run to the light

Aya: are you sure

Godzilla: trust me it's the only way out

"They both started running to the light, the raptors were about to jump on them but they both made it"

??? Mysterious world

"Godzilla started to wake up and saw that he was in a different place, he then looked around and saw Aya laying next to him"

Aya: "starting to wake up" did...did we make it

Godzilla: yes we make it to the next world

Aya: where are we ?

Godzilla: i don't know but we better found the way out

Aya: alright

??? P.O.V

???: well looks like he made it to the next world interesting

To be continued.

(A/N: thats all for Chapter 1 hope you enjoy and i'll see you next time)

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