So today I guess I really do miss Kate. She said she only used me but I know when she's lying. She was upset. And very sad. Erika makes me happier but Kate is always home so I can talk to her and stuff but Erika's always doing meetings and shopping and things like that. So I decided to call Kate just as a friend to hang with. Then I hear the doorbell. I opened the door to see Kate. I let her in and we sat on the couch and started talking.
So I just got back from a couple meetings. But when I went to part in my spot it was taken my....yup you guessed it Kate's car. So she's here with Jake but I'm not gonna jump into conclusions. So I went up. Got into the room and hid so I couldn't see them. I heard there convo.
The Convo:
J-how's life
K-really good. I have a boyfriend
J-ya I have a girlfriend
K-wow we both moved on fast
J-ya but sometimes I miss u
When I heard that I was upset but I stayed and listened.
J-but Erika is like my world. She brings so much life to me. And without her I'm nothing. Absolutely nothing. I truly do love her.
K-then why did u say you missed me
J-no not in that way. I just was lonely cause Erika was out working on her career and since you always held me back from making friends I don't have any here.
K-don't blame this on me. Your the one with a girlfriend that isn't with you all the time.
J-ya your right. She ain't clingy like you. And I just realized something. My love for you wasn't really love it was just a desperation that I needed.
K-Wow so this is how it's gonna go bye jake. I hope I'll never see you again
J-same to you.
When I heard all that I realized Kate was about to go out so I went outside the door and when she opened to leave she was pretty upset not gonna lie. I walked in and acted like I didn't know what happened. I put my stuff down and yelled.
J-hey baby
E-what was Kate doing here
He then rapped is arms around me and said
J-I was talking to her cause you weren't here and then this big fight happened and stuff.
E-It will be okay
E-no problem. So do you want Mac and cheese
E-jeez no need to yell
Jake and I took are bowls at sat on the couch to eat. Then I had a great idea.
E-do I was wondering do you wanna maybe do something else for your career
J-Erika I love my job
E-okay but that can't be it for the rest of your life
E-no listen I have the most greatest idea of all time. You can start a business where we have a group of ppl to work better together. What do you think. You can be a vlogger and do dumb shit ya know. It will be so much fun. Trust me.