It's mine and Jakes 1 month anniversary. He's been so so busy with Team Ten and stuff that I'm hoping he won't forget to do something for are anniversary. I got ready for the day and then went and got the my gift for Jake which was a GUCCI watch. I hope he likes it. I set it up and hid it in my side of the closet behind my shoes so he wouldn't find it.
I woke up this morning and got ready to go to a business meeting. In the meeting I couldn't focus cause I remember something but I don't know what it is. Then The meeting was over and I got in my car. I threw my jacket in the back. I look behind me and saw the gift I set up for Erika for are anniversary. Oh ya today's are anniversary. I got home. And Erika jumped on me.
J-Happy Anniversary Babe
E-Happy anniversary.
J-I have a gift for you but later
E-me too.
J-ok so I don't want to do the normal things someone would do for their anniversary.
E-ok so what are we doing.
J-I wanna have like a relax date ya know
E-ya that would sound nice I like the idea.
So JERIKA did their thing and after that they gave each other their presents and then watched a movie and slept.