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I had to figure out who the mystery guy was. Maybe it's one of the Team Ten members or maybe- no it can't be...Kate... she's probably still upset about how I broke up with her to be with someone else that she did this to break us apart and would somehow meet her somewhere and we start dating again. But well guess what..her plan ain't working if its the case. But first I need to check the security cameras before I assume things. I went and checked them to see Erika going to the fridge in the middle of the night. She was really sleepy and could barely keep her eyes open. I watched a bit more to see her grab something and put it in her water. Wait a second she must have thought that pill was the pill that she puts in her water. And then I realized....it was the viagra thing. I was gonna use it for a prank on her. Now I gotta go see what she's up to. I made my way to my room to see Erika naked on the bed. I grabbed a blanket and through it on her.
J-Erika you can't do that with people in the house
The next thing you know she's on me. Don't worry I wasn't going to take advantage of her were  just making out. While we were making out Erika was unbuttoning my shirt. Maybe doing this won't hurt....if I was drunk. I know Erika was on Birth control so that's good and now the alcohol. I locked Erika in the room and started down the stairs. I put viagra in my water, drank it and found two bottles of beer. I took one and I ran upstairs to give Erika the other one. And we started drinking until we were done. Me being the drunk person I was went out of the room with Erika inside of me and saw Tessa. She looked at us and then we just went back to what we were doing. Everyone left the house. I tied Erika to the couch and I slammed into her. She was a screaming mess. Then I took Erika out of the cuffs and she started riding me. Hell we were having a great time.

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