It's now Erika's birthday and it's like 4:00 am in the morning here in Calabasas. I turn over to see Erika peacefully sleeping and then see the bags that I packed for me and Erika so all we have to do is wake up and get ready so we can then just head out like that. I turn over again and shake Erika.
J-Wake up Wake up Wake up
E-I'm up I'm up
E-you woke me up just for that
J-no. We're going to Greece so get ready cause we gotta leave in two hours.
E-OMG we're going to Greece. I have to get ready
Erika kisses me and gets out of the bed.
I run out of bed and take a shower and get dressed. I go eat breakfast and go back up to Jakes room to brush my teeth. Then I go to the bag Jake packed me and checked that I had everything I needed. After that I grabbed a backpack and put some snacks,headphones,my charger, and my toothbrush and small utensils in there. I put my sneakers on and see Jake waiting at the door.
Me and Erika get in the Uber and were driven to the Airport. We both checked in and everything and had to wait for are flight to be called. Then about 15 minuets later we had to board the plane and so we did. We sat on are seats and Erika just layed her head on my shoulder and fell asleep while I starred out the window that was next to Erika's seat. I then take a picture of her and also fall asleep.