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So I just got back from the guys apartment and the whole way back to my apartment I thought of what prank I should do to return it on her-Oh I got it. I'm gonna do the 'I'm Breaking Up With You Prank' on her. I really hope this works. Anyway I just made it and opened the door and walked in. I called Erika over and she was still doing her prank.
E-What do you want asshole
J-I wanna talk to you for a second
E-ok what do you want I was busy organizing some stuff
J-umm ok....well I was gonna say that I wanna break up with you
E-wha-what?? You wanna break up?
J-I mean ya. You have basically treated me like shit.
E-Jake I'm sorry
J-no your not sorry. It's just out of pitty
E-no no no. It's not. I truly do love you and I don't want to break up.
J-Well it sure did look like you were about to
E-no jake. Plz listen. I wouldn't ever want to break up with an amazing guy like you, especially you.
J-I'm sorry but it's got the best
E-Jake I have a confession
E-that it was just a pra-
J-prank all along. Ya I knew. I mean you should have saw your face when I got you back.
E-so we're not breaking up
J-no of course not. Why would I break up with the most perfect human being in this freaking world. Your like my light that keeps me alive. I mean it was pretty easy to tell I was pranking you cause if we ever broke up I would be crying my fucking eyes out.
E-I love you and I'm sorry
J-I love you too. Prank Wars?
E-oh it's on!!

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