Everyone hid somewhere and I shut the lights and of course stood next to the light switch. I then I hear a door open and close.
E-why is it so dark in he-
EVERYONE- Surprise
Erika looked around and smiled from ear to ear but....I knew well that that smile was fake. I had to talk to her. Everyone went and hung out, talked, and ate food after they said happy birthday to Erika. In the corner of my eye I see Erika going up the stairs. I grab my gift and run upstairs, picked her up, and ran to OUR room. I tickled her.
E-Jake *LAUGHING* Stop
I stopped tickling her and she sat up. She was about to say something but words never came out of her mouth.
J-Erika I know you didn't want a party or anything but I just wanted to let you know that no matter what age you are you will always look beautiful to me. In fact you still look like the same Rik that I met but just a little bit hotter. Your 30 Erika. You still have time to live you know.
E-thank you so much Jake
J-no probably babe, here
I handed her the gift i wrapped earlier today.
E-you didn't have to get me anything
J-I know but I wanted to...now open it
Erika opened the box. She looked inside to see the lock I had put in there. She took it out and opened it. She smiled from ear to ear. Next thing you know I'm being tackled with hugs and kisses from Erika.
E-This is one of the best presents ever..thank you so much Jake. Your honesty amazing.
J-no problem. Now let's go celebrate your birthday babe.
I put the locket on Erika as we both head down the stairs. We all had a wonderful time together. Next my birthday!!