I think I'm gonna have to break up with Jake. I mean I haven't felt the spark we had in a long time. It's probably the fact that we are so busy to even have time for each other but there's so much going on that a relationship isn't the best.
So I've been really busy lately. I don't have time for Erika and neither does she. We see each other here and there but that's it. I think imma break up with her. It's not easy because I still love her and always will but I don't want to have a relationship and not make time for that person or they don't make time for me. So I'm gonna call her down but hopefully she'll stay on TeamTen.
J-so I need to tell you something
E-me too
J-we'll say it at the same time ok?
J+E- We need to break up for now.
E-wait what
J-ya I'm sorry but it's for the best right now
E-ya I know. We're always so busy and shit.
J-but Erika I love you so much. I will always love you and when all of this nonsense is over then maybe we can start again
E-ya sure. I love you too. But while we're not together we can't date or have flings with others
E-ok great
J-but one more thing
E-sure what is it
J-will you stay on TeamTen
E-yes duh I'm not leaving TeamTen
J-oh thank god
J-ok well love you
E-love you too
Wow that went better then I expected we're broken up but we are fine ya know. Just friends that will soon be back together after this state of our life is over.