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This is for you jerikaishot 
Jax hasn't gotten better. He actually got a lot worst after me and Jake ungrounded him. But the thing is Jake doesn't know. He's on. A business trip right now and I feel like this conversation needs to be discussed between us in person. Today I'm flying out to New York where Jake is cause I can't keep something like this from my husband and the father of my children. So ya. I have Sunny to look after them. I heard a knock I went and opened it and told her what to do.
E-hi Sunny
S-hey rik, I'm taking care of the kids right.
E-ya. But keep a good eye on Jax till I'm back
S-gotcha Rik
And with that I ran out the door to my Uber. I got in and the Uber driver drove me to the airport. I finally made it and checked in, went through security and did the usual stuff you do. Then I hear my flight being called. I get up and walk through the gate to the plane I'm taking.
In was going through some emails as I was sitting on my bed when all of a sudden I hear a knock on my hotel room door. I got up and opened it to see Erika. I immediately kissed her.
J-OMG!! Babe what're you doing here
E-I came to visit
In her voice I knew there was something wrong. As if she was keeping something from me. I wonder what it is.
E-Jake we need to talk
J-what's is it babe
E-well...let's sit down
J-umm...ok..I guess
We went on the couch and sat down shortly after putting Erika's stuff down.
E-so Jake
E-I had to tell you this in person
J-ok and what is it, are you pregnant again?
E-No of course not.
J-then what is it
J-what about him
E-he's gotten a lot worse. He hasn't learned anything from the lesson you thought him. Not only that but he went out and used my credit card to buy new stuff, and electronics. To add on top of that he has tinder. A fucking tinder account which he uses as me to trick people. No wonder why people think I'm a cheater.
J-I have absolutely no idea what's gotten into that kid but whatever it is I can't tolerate this type of behavior. Either he fixes it or he goes to military school.
E-Jake are you hearing yourself right now. Yes I agree with everything you said but not the part with military school
J-but Erika what do we then. Let are kid grow up to be a Fuck Boy. The only kid to be held back from school 3x.
E-well umm we can talk to him
J-we did that the first fucking time that ain't working this time
E-fine, I guess your right

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