Chapeter 6: Fin

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As I slowly start to open my eyes they strained against the orange and yellow rays of the sun coming through the window. What happened last night? Maybe it was all a dream? As I rub my eyes I notice I am not in my hotel room. The bed is large with four wooden posts and a soft dark blue comforter with a matching nightstands on both sides. All of a sudden the handle to the door turned and I scrambled to sit upright and grabbed a vase sitting next to me on the nightstand. Just as I was about to hurl the vase at whoever took me I see a pair of familiar ice blue eyes and a soothing husky voice shout, "whoa Mia Bella it's me Fin. Your safe don't worry." I slowly set the vase back down as he walks over to the bed cautiously like I'm a deer about to bolt at the slightest movement.

"I'm so sorry Fin I thought yesterday was just a dream till I woke up in the room and I wasn't sure what happened." I said while looking down and spinning my sunflower ring ashamed.

"Hey it's ok I probably would have reacted the same way." He said while sitting down on the edge of the bed near me. "What is the last thing you remember?"

I closed my eyes trying to remember last night "I remember Monkey coming here, you telling him about the cove.... Oh my God!" My eyes shot open and my breath quickened.

Fin reacted quickly grabbing my shoulders and turning me to look at him "Relax Laura, your okay I'm here, you are safe. Just take a slow deep breath in and out." As he was saying that I stared into his eyes and I swear he could see into my soul with them. But before I realized it my breathing returned to normal and I calmed down a little bit. "You had a panic attack last night and passed out. Monkey and I figured it was mainly due to the stress from yesterday so we carried you to the bed and let you sleep. Monkey and I took shifts watching you making sure you were alright until he fell asleep on the couch. I slept on the floor in here incase you woke up in the middle of the night."

That's when I noticed the pillow and blanket on the floor next to the bed. "I'm sorry you had to sleep on the floor, but thank you for taking care of me last night." I gently squeezed his hand. "Wait do you believe me that I saw what I did?"

He sighed and averted his eyes while running his hand through his hair "Laura I have a lot to talk to you and Monkey but first you need to eat something it's almost noon. The bathroom is right through there and there should be clean towels under the sink. Monkey also brought you some clothes so I will put them on the bed. Meet us in the kitchen when you are done and I will have lunch ready for us." As he was walking to the door I said almost to quietly for him to hear "you think I'm crazy don't you?"

He stopped with his hand on the door and turned his head to the side "Not even close, but you may think I am after lunch. Go get ready we have a lot to discuss."

As I was taking a shower yesterday started to play back in my head and the tears threatened to flow once again. I can't believe they are gone. I must be crazy to think it was a mermaid, I mean they don't exist right? A knock on the door quickly pulled out of my thoughts.

"Lunch is about ready and I put the clothes on the bed for you."

Once I heard the bedroom door shut I shut the water off wrapped myself in a towel, got dressed and brushed my hair. As I walked into the living room I was almost knocked over as Monkey ran over and wrapped me in a big bear hug.

"Jesus Bell you scared me half to death when you passed out last night. Thankfully Fin here has quick hands and caught you before you hit the floor. Don't ever scare me like that again."

I looked over to where Fin was as he was setting the food on the table mouthed thank you as he gave me a small smile. I then turned my attention back to Monkey "I'm sorry Monkey I didn't mean to scare you. I guess yesterday took a bigger toll on my body then I thought. I haven't had a panic attack since... since my father passed away."

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