Chapter 12: The Shift

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There was a crisp breeze blowing through the warm summer air as we all made our way to the docks. Once we got there Fin began instructing me on how to go about shifting and how it will feel.

"It's not going to feel good at all. It's gonna hurt the first few times but it gets easier I promise. Once your are in the water dive down and just focus. Feel your hands becoming webbed, your legs merging together into your tail and your fin sprouting from your back.

"Don't worry if you don't get it the first few tries. It took me a good half hour before I shifted for the first time. I will be right beside you the whole time so don't worry about anything or anyone else."

I nodded my head as Fin began stripping and dove into the water shifting effortlessly. I took a deep breath trying to forget that I had Kyler, Nico, Anna and Monkey standing there watching me. I stripped all my clothes off and dove into the water and came up right next to Fin. The water was cold but eerily comfortable and Fin looked even more delicious covered in his blueish green scales.

"Alright darling get your mind out of the gutter and focus on shifting." He chuckled. "Remember what I told you and just imagine yourself shifting into the beautiful mermaid I know you will be." He gave me a quick kiss before he disappeared under the water.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths focusing on the feel of the water and my body. I took one last breath before I dove under the water. I focused all my energy on shifting and soon I felt a sharp pain shoot through my right hand and then my left. I squeezed my eyes tighter as the pain got worse and soon both my legs shot with an excruciating pain. I let out a bubbled scream as my legs morphed together into a tail. Before I knew it the worst pain shot from my back as I felt my spine morphing and the skin ripping making way for my fin.

Just when I was about to run out of air the pain slowly subsided and I felt Fin's arms around my waist. I could breath underwater now as I opened my eyes and met the icy blue green flaked ones of my mate.

He smiled so big before his lips crashed into mine. Once we broke apart I held my hands out to examine my newly shifted form. Fin even swam back a little so he could seen me in my full glory. To my surprise my scales and tail were red on the outside and turned into silver the further in and up they went. I even had scales covering my breasts thankfully but I was kinda hoping for a clam shell bra like the movies.

I looked excitedly at Fin to find his eyes wide in shock. I began to get nervous and quickly mind-linked him.

What's wrong? Did I not shift right? Am I going to be ok? That and a million more questions came to my mind.

No you are beautiful! You look like a goddess! Why don't we surface and I can explain to everyone what's going on, I'm sure they are worried. His expression completely changed to a big loving smile but there was still a hint of worry in his eyes.

We quickly surfaced and everyone on the dock breathed a sigh of relief. "Dammit Bell don't scare me like that I thought I was gonna have to come in there and find y'all!" Monkey said running his hand through his hair.

"Wow you look gorgeous!" Exclaimed Anna.

"Wait why are her scales a different color than yours Fin?" Nico questioned.

We all looked to Fin but before he could speak Kyler shook his head. "Now the protection spell makes sense."

"What's going on what do you mean?" I asked looking between Kyler and Fin begging for an explanation.

Fin turned to me and held my hands while he spoke, "Laura your coloring explains why there was a protection spell put on you. There hasn't been a sighting of your bloodline in about 26 years. Everyone thought you all went extinct."

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