Chapter 13: Training Day

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Fin's POV:


I stood and watched as Garret slammed Laura on her back for the hundredth time. We had been training her all week having her run 5 miles a day with us, lift weights to now practice fighting. She would maybe get a few good hits in before Garret would just slam her to the mat again. She was resilient I give her that but she couldn't fight. She had no clue how to block or assess her opponent for a weak spot. We had been at it for hours every day this week and she wasn't getting any better. Her stamina and strength were increasing significantly but she just had no motivation to fight.

"Dammit Laura we've been over this how many times! Hands up, knees bent, anticipate my next move and counter it!" Garret yelled clearly getting frustrated.

"Alright again!" Nico hollered standing on the sidelines with his arms crossed clearly displeased.

Laura huffed and got up and took her stance facing Garret. They circled one another before Laura saw her opening and struck Garret. She connected with his face twice before he caught her arm and flipped her ass over tea kettle. She landed hard on her back knocking the wind out of her. "Goddess help us." Nico muttered

"Dammit! We aren't getting anywhere! Why can't you get angry Laura? You need to be able to defend yourself and your people!" Garret yelled clearly frustrated as he stomped off the mat running his fingers through his hair.

"I-I'm... t-trying!" Laura huffed out still trying to catch her breath.

"Wait! I got it!" Nico Shouted before he mind-linked Garret. A smile slowly crept across his face as he commanded Laura to stand up and get in position.

"Fin I need you to come over here and help me out" Garret said standing across from Laura.

Her and I exchanged a confused look as I made my way over to him. A small smirk crossed his face before he whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "I'm sorry but this is going to hurt."

Before I could even register what he said his fist connected with my cheek. I was completely caught off guard and before I could react he hit me again knocking me to the ground. He was just about to kick me when he got hit hard and stumbled back a few steps. Laura was on him like I've never seen before, it was amazing. She didn't let up either she just kept throwing punches, dodging every punch he threw. I laid there in awe of how graceful and deadly she actually was. She took him down hard and Nico started yelling for her to stop. She ignored him hellbent on taking out the person who harmed her mate. Nico tried to intervene but that only landed him on his ass with a split lip and a bloody nose.

I finally snapped out of my trance and rushed over and wrapped my arms around her before she could do anymore damage. She quickly elbowed me in the ribs and turned to fight me as well. "Mia Bella it's me." I said holding my now bruised ribs.

Her eyes met mine and I realized that her once gorgeous ocean blue eyes had become completely silver. Realization hit her as they shifted back to their normal color and she rushed over to me apologizing profusely. "Oh my Goddess! I am so sorry Fin! I-I don't know what happened! I saw him hitting you and I just snapped. I couldn't let anyone hurt you. Oh my, Garret, Nico are you guys alright? I'm so sorry!"

Tears started pooling in her eyes as Nico wiped the blood from his face and helped a very injured Garret up. "N-no worries.... Queen Laura.... that's what we.... have been trying.... to get you to do all week." Garret huffed our clearly in pain from a few broken ribs, a broken nose, cheek and collarbone.

"Don't worry Queen Laura we are werewolves we will heal in a few hours." Nico said smirking slightly.

"Holy shit! Did she just take down the towns two best warriors at the same time?!" Anna announced just appearing from the tree line.

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