Chapter 21: Peace, Love & War

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Fin's POV

Once Laura told me about her dream I quickly called all the Kings and Queens as well as Kyler and Abel. Everyone agreed to come here as soon as possible and bring as many warriors as they could. I was terrified for Laura and myself. If her vision came true not only was I at risk for losing my life but her and the twins lives as well.

Over the next week we had an overwhelming number of Kings, Queens, Alphas and Luna's as well as over 1,000 warriors come to help and prepare for the inevitable attack. Kyler had contacted all local packs as well as the King and Queen of the werewolves to ask for assistance. Even Abel had called local tribes and his King and Queen as well. He complained the whole time but I knew he was grateful for the support.

We trained tirelessly 5 days a week from sun up to sun down. We talked strategies and the best way to fight a mermaid. Laura did say that they can shift into a human form but their human form did not differ much from their mermaid form. They were still covered in a black slimy tar-like substance and their facial features did not really resemble a humans more of a sea monsters. Everyone was on edge as we did not know when this attack would take place just that it would.

Every night over the next few weeks Laura woke up having the same vision as before. Sometimes the vision would change but it always ended with me nearly dying and her going into premature labor. We had Dr. Harper put her on medication to help the twins develop further just incase so they would not be as vulnerable when they were born. She continued to stay on bedrest much to her dislike but she never argued about it. She would just plead with me everyday to stay home with her and train by the house.

"Laura you know I can't do that. I have to help train all of the warriors and get everyone ready for this war." I'd tell her time and time again.

"Fin please I can't function when you are not here. I am so worried that I'm going to feel the pain like I do in my vision every second you are gone. I know you have to train them but can't Noah just take over for one day please." She begged tears forming in her eyes.

I have never seen her so helpless and scared and to be honest it broke my heart. As much as I wanted to stay here and easy her fears we had to be completely ready for this attack. She said in her vision there were thousands of them and we were clearly out numbered. We have a lot more man power now then before but it still was no match for them. Everyone would have to take at least three to four of them by themselves for this to be an even match.

I sighed as I stroke her cheek and placed my forehead on hers. "Mia Bella I love you and I want to keep you safe. I cannot do that if I'm here and not training everyone. How about you get dressed and I'll call Anna to come over?" I asked trying to take her mind off me leaving.

She just shook her head and pulled me into her. She clung into my shirt and let her tears fall. I wrapped my arms around her not knowing how to make this better for everyone. I kissed her forehead as I got a mind-link from Noah.

King Fin are you on your way we are about to begin?

Yes I will be there in a little bit, Laura is trying to not let me go. It's breaking my heart seeing her like this and I don't know what to do. I told him as I felt her sobs continue.

I know you may not like this but it is just a suggestion. Why don't you let her come to the training ground and watch. It may help ease her fears as well as let her keep you in sight. Seeing as she is now 9 months pregnant it would do some good to take some stress off her. He said and I couldn't help but agree.

That's actually a really good idea she can just sit and watch from a safe distance. Can you have Olivia bring a blanket as well as Anna since I'm sure she is in the same position as Laura. We will be there in about 15.

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