Chapter 25: The Door

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Laura's POV

"How am I going to find her?" I asked

"It's not going to be easy but you are going to have to allow me into your mind so I can help you open up a mind-link to her." Juliana spoke warily eyeing Fin.

"Nope not happening Juliana you know how I feel about this!" Fin argued.

"Fin if there was another way I wouldn't be asking to do this. We need to find Celeste quickly for we do not know how long we have. You will be there the whole time so you have nothing to worry about." She argued back.

Fin growled and ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Will someone please fill me in on what's going on!" I said getting pissed off at being in the dark.

They looked at each other before Juliana spoke up. "I have to enter your mind so it is going to be very uncomfortable. It also requires a small amount of black magic and Fin is clearly concerned with me being in your head while using black magic. But I promise I will not harm you, you have become a very good friend over the past several months and I wouldn't do anything to intentionally harm you."

I looked at Fin who kept his head hung low clearly battling with himself. "Alright lets do it." I said and Fin whipped his head up.

"Are you serious your just going to believe her just like that? No more questions or explanation as to how it's going to work your just accepting her answer?"

"Yes Fin, I believe her and frankly if she was going to harm me she would have done it already. She has done nothing but help us since the very beginning and she has earned my trust. You should trust her as well if she is to help save me and our daughter from her vision." I said bluntly trying to get through to him.

He wrapped his arms around me and I felt the tension release from his body. "You are right I am sorry. I am just so worried about losing you and I'm still having trouble getting over the past."

"I know but we have to have a little faith otherwise things can't move forward."

He nodded his head in agreement. "Alright Juliana what do we need to do?"

She smiled as she explained how it was going to work. We waited till nightfall and sat on the beach as she finished drawing an intricate design in the sand around us. She stepped into the design careful not to disturb the sand around it and sat down in front of me.

"Alright Queen Laura I need you to relax and close your eyes. Focus on the sound of the waves, the smell of the salty breeze."

I did as she asked clearing my mind and relaxing as she began to chat in a strange language. "Alright now what ever you do try not to fight me and stay calm through the pain."

Her words were barely a whisper and soon I felt a skull cracking pain pulsate through my head. I grit my teeth and squeezed Fin's hand trying to push through the pain and keep my mind open. After what felt like hours but was only mere minutes the pain subsided and I heard Juliana in my mind.

Alright now I need you to use my mind and reach out to Celeste.

How do I do that? I asked unsure of what to do.

I heard her sigh before she spoke You need to relax, see yourself standing in a room. And in that room there is a door. Through that door is the mind-link to Celeste. I need you to open that door and call to her.

I did as she asked and soon I was standing in a room with a lot of doors all different shapes, colors and sizes. I took a deep breath trying to focus and find the door I was looking for. Two doors stood out a white one and a black one. I figured the white one led to Celeste but I was really curious about the black one. As I examined it closer I found that it was not painted black but it had been burned. I ran my fingers along the door and instantly felt anger and hatred in such force I jumped back from the door.

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