Chapter 16: The Rescue

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Laura's POV

I woke up feeling rather hazy and freezing. Once the fog cleared from my mind memories of last night came rushing back to me and I shot up and looked around. It was damp and dark with just a small light by the door to the room I was in. As I went to talk forward I was stopped by thick metal bars. Once my eyes adjusted to the lighting I realized I was trapped in a cage just like my dream. That's when fear started kicking in. I yanked on the bars to no avail and just as I was about to scream I heard the lock to the door turn.

I jumped toward the back of the cage unsure of what to do. As the door was opening I decided the best course was to pretend to still be sleeping so I laid back down with my back towards the door. I did my best to calm my breathing as I closed my eyes and listened to the footsteps as they approached the cage. I instantly recognized one of the voices.

"Why the hell hasn't she woken up yet?" Mr. Gold screamed at the other guy.

"I-I'm not s-sure sir. You may have g-given her too much. S-she should wake up at anytime n-now" the man stuttered clearly afraid of Mr. Gold.

"Well she better or I'll have your head! So stay here and monitor her! The moment she wakes up you better call me in right away!"

After he slammed the door shut I heard the guy let out the breath he had been holding before he spoke. "Y-you can stop p-pretending to be asleep now Q-Queen Laura."

I opened my eyes and stood up looking at the man before me with question. "How did you know?"

"I-I am a pack d-doctor I could hear y-your heartbeat. Mr. Gold kidnapped my f-family and forced me to help him. I-I understand why you w-would want to hide from him."

"What's your name and why would you help me?" I asked.

"M-my name is S-Steven and because you don't d-deserve this." He said shyly.

"What does he want with me and what exactly is he and you?"

"I-I am a werewolf and h-he is a v-vampire. H-he wants to turn you and m-make you his mate." Steven said breaking eye contact with me at the last part.

Shit this is not good. I thought as I began pacing trying to come up with a game plan. "Alright I have an idea but I need your help. I will help you get your family back and get you your freedom if you help me."

He looked at me bewildered. "H-how do you p-plan on doing that?"

"It's not going to be easy but I need you to give me a needle full of the sedative you gave me as well as put me back to sleep for at least another 12 hours so my mate has more time to find me. You need to be careful though because I-I'm pregnant." I whispered the last part.

His eyes grew even larger if that was even possible. "W-what? Y-your pregnant?!" He whisper yelled.

I nodded my head as he began searching through the equipment that was in the corner.

"Okay I c-can give you something that w-won't harm the baby b-but it will make you s-sleep for another few h-hours. H-here is the needle f-full of a strong s-sedative. I-I am so s-sorry I wish I c-could do more." Steven said as he hung his head in defeat.

"Hey Steven this is not your fault and once we get out of here you are more than welcome to join our community with your family. You are helping me more than you realize." I said holding my hand out through the bars.

He grab my hand and looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "T-thank you. I-it's just my little s-sister and I ever since h-he killed our p-parents. I promise I will get you and your b-baby out of here." He said with a new found confidence.

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