No. 5: About that children's book...

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This part was written in friendly and very funny cooperation with my friend Vanessa :D (To find here under the beautiful name LyrasLullaby )

Group: Monsterhunters


Members: Donegan, Gracious, Fletcher


Gracious: Hey, do you remember that we wanted to write a children's book?

Donegan: Of course!

Gracious: Because I got an idea on how we could make it more... You know, child-friendly.

Donegan: I liked the main idea. Kids love this "where's Waldo" thing.

Fletcher: "Where's Waldo", yes. Chainsaw murderer, no.

Donegan: Why not?

Fletcher: Are you crazy? Children shouldn't see so much blood and gore!

Gracious: That's what I thought of as well. What if we make them blue and say it were some aliens or fantasy people instead of humans?

Fletcher: I don't think that's any better... If they still get hunted down by the chainsaw murderer.

Donegan: Well I like that idea. It's not as serious as before. Besides, children like fantasy people better than real people.

Fletcher: That doesn't change the fact that they are hunted by a CHAINSAW MURDERER. That's not good for kids in any way!

Gracious: It's not good for us as well but it's just a book. It's not real.

Donegan: Right. It just encourages to use your own fantasy.

Fletcher: And causes heavy nightmares. Which publisher would buy that from you?

Gracious: Oh, I know someone...

Fletcher: You can't do that! Did you ever hear of youth protection and age limits?

Donegan: Youth protection?

Gracious: Age limits?

Fletcher: Are you serious?!

Gracious: Haha, no. Of course not. We not what that is.

Donegan: Exactly. But books don't get any PG rating, that's only for movies and games.

Fletcher: So you want to risk your readers mental health?

Donegan: That got nothing to do with it.

Fletcher: ... It does?! Why don't you understand? Chainsaw murderers aren't a topic for children!

Gracious: But if we change it so that...

Fletcher: No!

Gracious: ... That it's not a chainsaw murderer?

Donegan: Rather?

Gracious: A blood thirsty beast! Like the one we saw in that village before we got to Tokyo, do you remember?

Fletcher: No.

Donegan: Ah, I remember! That was damn huge.

Fletcher: No.

Gracious: As I say! And damn blood thirsty.

Fletcher: No.

Donegan: It was. That would be an interesting protagonist.

Fletcher: No.

Gracious: And it would just be another fantasy figure for the children since they don't know about real magic and real monsters.

Fletcher: NO. Stop it!

Donegan: What?

Fletcher: First: You ignore me. Second: You can't put blood and monsters and dead guys in children's books!

Gracious: ... Dead, not gender specific people, hehe.

Fletcher: Huh?

Donegan: Oh, you're talking about the Dead Men!

Gracious: Well, since Valkyrie is with them they need a new name. They should move with the times.

Donegan:I don't know. But I can imagine they already had this discussion...

Fletcher: That's irrelevant! I gotta prevent you from publishing such a gruesome book.

Donegan: :c

Gracious: :C

Fletcher: Make it less bloody or it will be a flop. That I can promise.

Donegan: Do you really think so...?

Gracious: But we'd have to throw away our whole concept!

Donegan: Our unique selling point!

Fletcher: I think you should talk about that with a real author...

Donegan: GORDON

Gracious: GORDON


Gracious: MINE AS WELL

Fletcher: .... For god's sake.

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