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It's like time slowed down for me. I could hear big heavy footsteps coming towards me. It sounded like it was in slow motion though. But then it went back to normal as I felt a large hand grab my arm and pull it towards him. His pull had felt like my arm fell off! (I found out later that I almost broke it) he squeezed it so aggressively that my hand was as purple as a plum! I didn't see it but I knew something was wrong with my hand. I kept my eyes shut acting like I was asleep. He paused for a second. Then I felt a large point stabbing into my arm. It was the needle. I felt as my blood was being sucked into the needle. It felt like 10 minutes of the needle in me, yet it was only 10 seconds. He took out the needle. I felt my arm start to bleed. I peeked open my one eye and saw Olives dad wipe away the blood from my arm and lick it! Something was really wrong about this family! He left the room and I just lied there. Not wanting to move. I stayed in the same spot for a couple more minutes. I slowly turned my head towards the door and no one was there. The room was exactly how it was before. It was like nothing happened. My whole arm was in so much pain though. It was bleeding a lot and felt a little numb. I knew I needed to get out of there. I got up and walked to the door. I stood there for a couple seconds and then worked up the courage to slowly open it. It made a creaking noise and I stood there still. Luckily no one heard the door open. Or at least no one did anything about it. I started walking to the stairs, when I saw the bathroom door halfway open at the end of the hall. But this was the washroom I was strictly told not to enter. I heard heavy breathing and little cries coming from it. It was like something was leading me there. Like I had to enter it. So I quickly tiptoed across the hall. I peeked in and saw Olive laying on the floor in a little puddle of blood, starring at the ceiling. She looked gone. Like she was just done with everything, ready to die. I looked around the room and noticed it full of blood. It was smeared everywhere. I didn't examine it to much but I knew I couldn't just leave Olive in this house. I slowly opened the door. Olive bolted up to the slightest noise. When she noticed it was me her eyes went big and her face dropped. She then looked at my arm and started to cry even more. I shushed her and said, "we are getting out of here whether you like it or not" she couldn't speak, she was just to stunned, but I knew she understood me. We were going to escape this prison Olive had been trapped in for so long.

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