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Toy Chica pov

Me and toy Bonnie waited for his dad to get back. The worst thing is that I have no makeup not even mascara I left all my makeup that I take out with me in my school.

We were still in toy bonnies room, I sat down on toy Bonnie blue bean bag while fidgeting. You ok cheeks? Toy Bonnie question. I'm just nervous I sighed, don't be you'll be fine toy Bonnie said gently while taking my hand.

Then I heard the front door open, I'm home! I heard a older mans voice shout from down stair. I span my head back to toy Bonnie with a even more nervous face.

He chuckled at my reaction, don't worry he said again taking my hand and leading me out of his room and to the stair case.

We walked down the stair but he's dad hasn't noticed us yet. We reached the bottom of the stairs and toy Bonnies dad turned his head to me and toy Bonnie.

Dad this is toy Chica toy Bonnie smiled tighten his grip in my hands. Well it's nice to meet you toy Chica he said smiling at me.

You two I smiled back, his dad lead us into the living. I sat down next to toy Bonnie, and his dad sat opposite us on the smaller sofa.

His dad had dirty blond hair with green eyes. He look like in his late 40s and also really smart. I'm guessing his a business man.

Oh by the way my name is Blake he smiled... so toy Bonnie said you just moved here where did you last live Blake said. I lived near the city but my mum wanted to move closer to the big city because of work.

He nodded, I felt toy Bonnie pall me closer to him. Toy Bonnie I'm glad you found someone toy bonnies dad said.

Yeah same toy Chica is perfect toy Bonnie smiled down at me. I smiled and blushed, well are you staying for dinner toy chica Blake said getting up from the sofa.

I looked at toy Bonnie do you want to be stay for dinner? I laughed, of course toy bonnie smiled. Ok sure I will stay I grinned.

{ time skipped }

As we all sitting at the table eating Blake was the first to talk. So toy Bonnie how's school? Blake questioned.

It's cool I guess you know the normal toy Bonnie said. Then toy Bonnies dads butler came in with the house phone.

Sorry to disturb your dinner but there's someone wants to talk to you Geoffrey said passing the phone to toy bonnies dad.

Toy bonnies dad face turnt serious, sorry something important has came up and it's was nice meeting you toy chica Blake said excusing himself from the table.

I heard toy Bonnie sigh next to me, I grabbed his hand You ok? I questioned. Yeah it's my dad never has a minute to sit down and talk to his son and his girlfriend for the first time.

It's ok he just wants to give you the best I said brightening the mood a bit. Toy Bonnie turnt his head to look at me and smiled.

I love you toy chica he smiled moved closer, I love you to I said kissing toy Bonnie on the lips.

Sorry to interrupt Geoffrey said clearing his throat, your dad had something important came up and he won't be back till the next couple of days Geoffrey said walking off into the hallway.

Toy Bonnies sighed again, ok enough sighing let's ditch this and get pizza I said pulling toy Bonnie up from his seat and getting my handbag and leading us to my car outside.

Toy Bonnie pov

As toy chica practically dragged me out side to her car I got in the passenger seat. As toy chica was driving down the high street i was on my phone choosing a song to put on.

I can't think of any good song to put on I said typing away at my phone. Pass the phone i got a good song toy chica said.

No your driving I said not giving her my phone. She grabbed my phone out of my hand. Drive she said typing away at my phone.

Wait what!? I said leaning over and gripping onto the steering wheel so the car wouldn't crash. Is she crazy?! But luckily it was one straight road.

Done toy chica putting my phone into the cup holders in the middle of us.

Toy chica put on sucker for you by Matt terry, I have to say it's quite a good song, soon after we reach a pizza place great I'm starving !

As we got out of the car the sun has gone down and it's was quite chilly. Toy chica held my hand as we walked into the pizza place.

we walked to the cashier and toy chica started to talk to the man that's serving us. can I get a big pepperoni pizza please said toy Chica to the man. We fought it would be easier to have one big pizza so share.

Ok that will be 6.99 pounds the man said, as Toy Chica was about to get money out of her purse i handed the man the money before her. Hey!! I was going to pay toy Chica said, to late I said sticking my tongue out playfully.

Toy chicas pov

We walked back to the car and put the pizza box In the back and headed to toy bonnies house

We made it back to toy bonnies house we sat on the floor in the living room eating pizza. You sure you want to me to stay another night aren't you board of me Yet?? said smirking as I ate a slice of pizza.

No I would never ever get board of you, toy Bonnie said gently. Then all of a sudden my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller ID but it just came up with a number that i don't recognise.

I grabbed my phone from the side of me and answered it, Hello ? I said down the phone. But all I could hear was silence.

Ugh I'm was getting a bit annoyed so I said who is this with a slight annoyance in my voice. Toy Bonnie looked at me and mouthed who is it.

I waited and listen for an answer but no one said anything so I just ended it. Who was that toy Bonnie said suspiciously.

I shrugged my shoulders a prank call or someone accidentally rang me i said, did a number show up when it rang? toy Bonnie questioned. Yeah I said looking down at my phone, show me he said as I gave him my phone.

Toy Bonnie face looked annoyed, do you recognize the number? I said. I think it's Springtraps number toy Bonnie said passing my phone back.

Well I'm going to block the number that is just creepy how did he get my number? I said blocking his number.

I will find out don't worry toy Bonnie said, getting up and putting the pizza box in the bin. I'm so full I said rubbing my belly.

I'm tired I said yawning, well I'm going to stay up for a bit playing Xbox you can go to bed now if you want toy Bonnie said wrapping his strong arms around me.

Does that mean I get the bed to my self for a bit? I smiled brightly. Yep toy Bonnie said kissing my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled my closer and our lips touched.

I kissed him gently and his did the same, I pulled apart but I still had my arms around his toy Bonnies neck.

Ok nigh I said giving him one last kissing on the lips before turning around but I felt and hand slap my arse.

Hey! I laughed turning around, night love you he said winking. I smiled and bit my lip, night love you more I said walking up the stairs.

I opened the door to toy Bonnies room and dived onto his big cosy bed landing flat on my stomach. Soon after I fell asleep.


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