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Toy chica pov

A couple of days have passed and I'm coming home from the hospital, Mum Can we stop somewhere and get something to eat? I'm making dinner at home toy chica my mum said not taking her eye off of the road.

I just looked at my mum as she was driving I want to cry that had ruined my day.

Ugh I groaned resting my head on my good hand.

We finally got home from the hospital I can't wait to sleep in my bed tonight. I followed my mum inside as she opened the door.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. Oh how I missed you I squealed diving onto my bed.

Can I come in? my mum said knocking on my door, Yeah I said sitting up.

Your dash cam got sent to the police station to have a look at who hit your car my mum said.

Do you know when they're going to tell you who did it? I questioned. hopefully soon my mum sighed.

Well I'm going to go to sleep I'm tired I said getting in bed. Ok hun my mum said closing the door.

{ the next day }

I got up at like seven in the morning because I couldn't sleep and because I'm not going into school.

Where is my brace for my wrist I said looking in my handbag, Here it is! I said putting on the brace for my wrist.

My wrist hurts when ever I move it and when I sleep I forget it's sprained and I move it around and it hurts even more in the morning.

As well rocking a new black eye and bruises.

I'm quite scared to go back into school because the person who put me in hospital might be at school or it could be a man or a woman drunk driving.

I went through Netflix to see what to watch, I finally decided to watch some American horror story my favorite tv series.

I'm so bored and it's my first day of being inside I have to stay home a few more because the school and the doctors and my mum said it's will be good to get some rest and recover before coming into school.

I'm not going to sit around and do nothing all day that's boring.

Well I want something eat, I got up from the sofa and into the kitchen. I grabbed my speaker and connected it my phone to play some music I bet the neighbors are going to complain but oh well.

I searched through my music and decided to put some old 200s tunes on.

I play obsessed by Mariah Carey I love this song!!

I started dancing around the kitchen cooking some bacon and egg. When it came to the Chorus I started shouting/singing WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME BOY I WANT TO KNOW!

Also I was dancing at the same time not even caring if I get burned by the cooker.

After some karaoke time in the kitchen I sat Down and ate.

{ couple of hours have passed}

toy Bonnie has texted me to say that he's coming over.

I laid on the sofa watching some more American horror story waiting for toy Bonnie.
Soon after I heard a knock at the door, I got up from the sofa and opened the front door.

Toy Bonnie was holding a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear Omg toy bonnie! I smiled taking the bouquet of flowers and the teddy bear.

Thank you so much I said smelling the flowers. I walked into the living room as toy Bonnie closed the front door behind him.

Toy bonnie x Toy Chica Where stories live. Discover now