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Toy chica pov

We walked into the cafeteria where our friends are laughing and chatting. Hey you two mangle says smiling.

Hey I smile back sitting down at the table next to mangle and chica. How is you chica smiles looking at my wrist.

I'm fine I feel so much better I say. Toy Bonnie takes a seat next to me. I move closer to him resting my head on His shoulder.

I catch chica staring at Freddy while smiling. I nudge mangle to get her attention. She looks at chica, she will never admit that she's has a crush on Freddy mangle whispers.

They do make a cute couple.

All of a sudden the bell ring. Ughh I groan.
See you guys later I say pulling toy Bonnie up from the table because he doesn't want to go to class.

They all waved walking off in different directions. We walk into math and sit down at the back where we normally sit.

The bad thing about this class is that Vincent is in here. Vincent I would like you to sit next to toy chica at the back the teacher says as he walk into the room.

What! I groan, no miss that isn't far. Neither is life so deal with it she responds.

Ok that was depressing I say. Toy Bonnie looks so annoyed. I can't believe he still goes to this school after what he did.

Toy Bonnie pulls my chair closer to his side. Vincent smirks as he takes the seat next to me.

I can't believe that I'm sitting next to the person that tried to kill me. After miss explained what to do everyone started talking and getting on with the work.

I just want to be in bed right now but instead I'm here. Hey toy chica Vincent says as he touches my stomach to get my attention.

I whip my head around to face him. Don't you fucking touch my stomach again!!! I shout grabbing my text book and hit him with it.

Woah what's going on toy bonnies questions. He touched my stomach I say.

The mummy bear in me is coming out. I know it sound pathetic but toy bonnie or Vincent don't know I'm pregnant.

Don't touch her toy Bonnie says getting angry. You wasn't there when I beated the shit out of her Vincent says grinning knowing his pushing toy Bonnies buttons.

You fucking prick!! toy Bonnie shouts getting up off his chair. Woah ok boys what's going on miss says worriedly.

I'm standing up trying to keep the space between toy Bonnie and Vincent. Get him away before I smash his head up against the wall toy bonnie sneers.

Miss looks scared, ok Vincent I would like you to move to the front please.

Vincent gets up and moves to the front. Toy Bonnie sits back down and I do the same.

Time has passed now it's the end of the day. Everyone is rushing to get home. Toy Bonnie pulls out of the school car park and drives home.

When we get home I will tell toy bonnie the news I just hope he doesn't freak out or kick me out.

Why didn't the school expel Vincent I say. Because the school is shit toy Bonnie responds.

Yeah I say rubbing my stomach gently. I can't believe I'm actually pregnant. I'm quite happy but I'm going to be more happier if toy bonnie is.

Minutes later we pull to the apartment. When toy Bonnie parks his car I grab my bag and get out.

Let's have pizza tonight toy bonnies says taking my hand as we walk up to the elevator. That will be good I says getting hungry.

When we reach our floor we walk to our door. Toy Bonnie opens it and lets me go in first.

It's now or never toy chica. Toy Bonnie I need to talk to you I say. Toy Bonnie face turns white "ok" he responds.

Well the reason why I was up this morning in the bathroom was because I was throwing up I say getting nervous.

Okay toy bonnie says not getting the idea. I'm pregnant I say.

Toy Bonnies eyes widen, wait what!? Please don't kick me out or get ma- I say but get cut off by toy Bonnie.

omg your pregnant!!! toy bonnie shouts happily. My eyes wide in shock at his reaction.

Yes I nod grinning. Toy Bonnie scoops me up in his arms. I can't believe it toy bonnie says.

Toy Bonnie puts me back on my feet gently after spinning me around. I thought you was going to get angry I say.

No will never beautiful toy bonnie says cupping my face with his hands. We're having a baby toy bonnie says berrying his face in neck.

Yes we are I say wrapping my arms around his neck. Toy Bonnie pulls apart wiping some tears away with his hand.

I'm going to be the best dad ever toy bonnie says holding me close. I'm so happy toy bonnie says kissing all over my face.

Is that why you went crazy at Vincent today in math toy bonnie says. Yeah I say as  I nod.

If I knew you was pregnant he wouldn't of been even standing toy bonnie says pecking my lips.

I pull toy bonnie into a passionate kiss. I close my eyes kissing him gently. Toy Bonnie kisses back slowly while holding my hips.

We pull apart slowly. I feel like the happiest man ever toy bonnie smiles. Don't make me cry  I say wrapping my arms around his waist.

I want to see your belly toy bonnie says kissing my hair. A bump won't be there yet I laugh, I know but still want to see you stomach.

We walk into the bedroom because I want to get change out of my uniform. I put on one of toy bonnies t-shirts and a pair of shorts.

I lay on the bed to get comfortable. Toy Bonnie joins me on the bed as well wearing only his boxer.

Toy Bonnie pulls up the t-shirt seeing my stomach. Look there's a little bump toy Bonnies points out.

That isn't the baby I laugh. It's is toy bonnie says back pecking my belly with kisses.

I have a good feeling that toy bonnie is going to adore his son or daughter. Toy Bonnie is definitely spoil them with toys and stuff.

I love you so much I says running my hand through toy Bonnies hair as he rests his head lightly on my stomach.

Love you more beautiful toy bonnie says back.


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