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Toy Chica pov

Forth period went really quick and I also got to know a bit more about Chica, mangle, Freddy and Bonnie.

My thought where cut off by the bell. I gathered up my book and went to lunch with mangle, chica, Freddy and Bonnie.

I sat down next to mangle, I thought there's more of us? I looked at mangle. Yeah they're will be here in a minute she smirked.

I don't why she's smirking but I just smiled back and got my salad out of my bag.

Then I hear loud laughing coming towards us I looked up and see three boys and one of them is toy Freddy. I guess toy Freddy is part of the group as well.

They seem like they play football because the one this crimson red hair is carrying a football and they look pretty fit.

The one in the middle caught my attention, he had blond hair with a tad of brown also green eyes and a jawline that is so straight it looks like it could cut someone.

I bit my lip as I daydreamed at my future husband. Wait what am I talking about he probably has a girlfriend or maybe a few fan girl.

There is literally most of the girl in the cafeteria drooling over him including me. I'm guessing he's like the bad boy or the boy that makes every girls panties drop.

Well what ever he is he's coming over to the table.
I could hear mangle or Chica calling my name but I'm stuck in the daydream.

TOY CHICA mangle shouted a bit to loud. I sadly broke out of my daydream ugh Im probably red as a tomato.

Err sorry I smiled, I looked at mangle and Chica and they are smirking at me.

I guess we meet again toy Freddy smiled. I rolled my eyes and smirked told you you'll be lucky to see me again I smiled.

Dude you know her foxy said, yeah it's the girl I told you two about I helped her with her locker toy Freddy said looking a bit smug.

Damn toy Fred your lucky foxy said but mangle threw a bunch of chips at him.

Shut it foxy your going to scare her off mangle sneered, foxy threw he's hands up to block what mangled thrown at him, sorry babe foxy said.

Well you that's foxy my boyfriend mangle glared at him as she sat back down.

And that's toy Bonnie mangle pointed at toy Bonnie.
I looked at him but it looks like he was already looking at me our eyes locked on each other. Omg I think I'm blushing again.

Hey I'm toy Chica I smiled as toy Bonnie sat down opposite me. It's nice to meet you toy Chica he smirked.

I think my lip is bleeding now because of how much I'm biting it. He's definitely good looking he's beautiful green eyes are like emeralds.

Toy Bonnie pov

As I sat down opposite toy Chica. And damn she is beautiful.

Her bright blue eyes and her smiled is perfect, when I first saw her I wanted to stop and just look at her.
Her cheekbone are perfect she looks like a little dolly thats been hand made.

So toy chica when did you get here I asked her trying to keep my cool and not embarrass myself. I just moved here today she smiled.

Great and will you be trying for the cheerleading team mangles the captain??

Yeah I will but I'm into dance more she smiles, ahh she's so perfect.

And I'm guessing your the captain of the football team she questioned. Actually no I'm not foxy is I said

Toy Chica pov

After some talking with toy Bonnie I'm actually shocked that he's not the captain of the football team. I am going to sign up for the cheer squad and it's good that mangles the captain.

As the bell went I I grabbed my stuff, chica your in my next class with me I said.

I said bye to everyone and then waved at toy Bonnie. Bye toy bon I smiled then he winked at me.

Ooo toy Chica looks like you have a crushed chica teases I rolled my eyes and blushed.

Oh come on you two where literally looking hungrily at each other chica admitted. Chica! I said In embarrassment because we are walking down the hallway.

What it's true Chica said, I have to admit I may be falling for toy Bonnie and it's just the first day.


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