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Toy Chicas pov

I opened the fridge to get some strawberries and grapes for my breakfast. I closed the frigid back up and placed the strawberries and grapes on the counter.

I opened the cupboard to get a bowl but I couldn't reach. I jumped up and try to grab the bowl but I couldn't reach.

Toy Bonnies wrapped his arms around my waist and reached up and grab the bowl. Your so small toy Bonnies said and kissed my check.

Damn your tallness I mumbled. I put the strawberries and grapes in my bowl and grabbed a fork and start eating.

Aren't you having nothing? I said as I branch the fork up to my mouth slowly. I'm not hungry toy Bonnies said leaning on the counter opposite to me watching my every move.

Try some fruit for once I said stabbing a grape with the fork and held it up to toy Bonnies mouth.

Rebecca eat your grapes I said laughing. Toy Bonnies laughed as he ate the grape from the fork.

After eating I put the bowl in the sink. I need a shower I said walking out of the kitchen. Can I join you toy bonnie said following me up stairs.

I blushed as I walked into the bathroom. Yeah i said closing the door behind us. Toy Bonnies eyes lit up as he start striping.

I started striping as well. After a couple of seconds we are naked even though toy Bonnie has seen me naked I still cover myself.

I turn on the shower and waited till it goes warm. Toy bonnie got in first and held his hand out so I don't slip on the shower floor.

I don't have a shower mat I smiled stepping under the hot water. Toy Bonnies wrapped his arms around me and stepped under the hot water with me.

The way his hair turn dark when it's wet the way the water runs down his body looking like sexy a model.

Without me knowing I had my hand his his thick wet hair. Toy bonnie pulled me into a kiss, I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

I stepped back as my back hit the shower wall. I took a sharp breath in a toy Bonnies lifted me up by my thighs.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as toy bonnie started kissing my neck. We made out twice now and it's not even 12 in the after noon are we actually that bad at controlling our hormones.

Toy bonnie started sucking a nibbling on my sensitive part of my neck. I moaned slightly as I leant my head on the shower wall.

Toy Bonnies please i moaned. Whats do you want beautiful? toy bonnie said against my neck. I groaned because he knows what i want.

You know i said tighten my grip around his hips. Are you sure ? Toy bonnie said pecking my neck.

Plea- I said but toy bonnie cut of my begging by slamming into me. My body went floppy as I rested my back against the wall as I still had my legs wrapped around toy Bonnies waist.

I gripped onto his shoulders as he moves faster. Fuck toy Chica toy bonnie said brushing his lips against mine.

I closed my eyes from pleasure. I started to moan louder as he went even more faster. Toy bonnie slammed his lips onto mine, I moaned into the kiss.

I'm so close to coming, toy Bonnies tightened his grip around my waist as I came. Not long after toy bonnie did as well.

Toy bonnie let me down as my feet touched the shower floor. It's normally me begging you to fuck me not the other way round toy bonnie said out of breath.

I bit my lip as the pleasure was still running through me. I pecked toy Bonnies lips twice, do you want the shampoo toy Bonnies said.

Yes please I smiled.


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