Chapter Six: In Which Our Heroes Try To Hide Their Identities

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I wake up to blinding sunlight in my eyes. I didn't leave the skylight open, did I?

'Come on, wakey wakey bugaboo.' What? I open my eyes fully and see Chat's face in mine. 'Oh good, you're awake. You may want to see this.' I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Oh. There's a news helicopter circling above us and when I look over the railing, there are several vans with the same logo on the ground. I chuck the bed rolls up into the air and shout 'Miraculous Ladybug!'. There's that gone. I see Chat grab the bag of leftover food. I get the bag of rubbish and make sure I've got the card. Once we've got everything, we ignore the questions being yelled at us by Nadja and start making our way across the rooftops of the city.

'Well, that was a wake-up call and a half.' Chat says once we've got away from all the noise at the Eiffel Tower.

'Who wouldn't want a scoop like that though? I mean, we're right there and at least one person will have seen Alya's video.' I reason. I google the Ladyblog and click on the newest video. Ah. It seems that not only Nadja would have seen it but it looks like at least the whole of Paris has seen it.

'Chat, have you seen this?' He nods.

'I was looking at it not long before you woke up bugaboo. I don't think we said anything too bad while the camera was running.'

'Okay. Do you want to go and get some breakfast?' I ask.

'Yes, purr-lease.' We shoot off in the direction of the bakery. We go inside and order what will probably become our usual - croissants for Chat and a chocolate one of me. Maman and Papa don't seem too worried, which is a good sign. We thank them and then head back up to the roof of a nearby building - it's too busy in the bakery. We eat in silence, Chat thoroughly enjoying his. I end up watching all the people filing into school below us.

'Chat, what about school? We'll need to contact them in some way to say that we're not going to be there today!'

'Oh yeah. What school do you go to?' I point down below me. I look a little closer and I can see the figures of ALya and Nino below, probably waiting for me and Adrien.

'College François DuPont.'

'What a coincidence! So do I!' Chat says. He goes to the same school as me? Huh. I don't think I've seen anyone who looks and acts like him before. Maybe he's a new student?

'We'll need to get into our houses to get our home phones because they'll have them stored on the system and then get our own phones to call our friends and tell them we're sick.' I start laying out our plan.

'Yeah, but how will we get inside our houses. We can't exactly just waltz on up and ask if we can use their phone.' Chat points out.

'Actually, we could. We go in and say our phone isn't working but we need to make a call.'

'Okay, but what about our actual phones?'

'How do you usually get in and out of your house?'

'Bedroom window.'

'Go in through there, I assume your phone will be in your room?'


'Get that, if we need to we can put it back later.' I think this will work.

'Wait, bugaboo, let's try change back. Just in case it works and then we won't have to do all this breaking and entering.'

'We won't do any breaking. Probably. But yeah, that's a good idea. Where?'

'We could use the bathroom in the subway or something. And then we don't look suspicious either.'

'Sure. There's a subway entrance by the school we can use.' I aim for it and jump down off the roof with Chat Noir, almost in sync. The toilet, like most public bathrooms, isn't that nice but at least the door locks and it's private.

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