Chapter Nine: In Which They Have Ice Cream & Get Lunch

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Chat Noir and I walk along the rooftops together, looking for anyone who matches the description of Adrien. A couple of times we spot someone who looks a little similar to Adrien but it's not him. Meanwhile, we're chatting about the most random of things along with where he could be.

'Chocolate or vanilla?' Chat asks.

'Definitely chocolate. Hmm, swimming or running?'

'Well, you know cats hate the water, m'lady.'

'Even human ones?' I tease.

'Yeah, yeah, I haven't actually been swimming for a couple of years so running.'

'Yeah, you have! You've been in the river heaps. Like when we fought Reverser a couple of weeks ago.'

'And don't forget Princess Fragrance, but that's not proper swimming.'

'Of course, it is! And not to mention Syren, you can't argue that wasn't swimming.'

'Oh yeah.'

'Hey, do you think they could be at the Eiffel Tower?'

'Oh, maybe.' We head there next. After searching in the general area for a couple of hours, plus several photos with fans, we decide to have a short break. As we relax on the edge of the first deck of the Eiffel Tower, we can see and hear André's ice cream cart pulling up at the bottom of it.

'My name is André, André Glace, the sweetheart matchmaker, with one scoop or two, I'll find love for you, with magical ice cream flavours.'

'Hey, bugaboo, why don't we go get an ice cream? It is kinda hot and we've been working all morning.'

'Sure kitty.' We swing down and land beside the cart.

'Hi, André!' We chorus.

'Ladybug, Chat Noir! What a lovely surprise.'

'Yeah, we thought we'd drop in to get an ice cream and have a treat.'

'Of course!' He leans over and grabs his ice cream scoop, 'Now for you Ladybug, peach pink like his lips and mint like his eyes.' I smile.

'It's the same as last time!' I exclaim.

'You like it, yes?' He looks a little confused and then realisation dawns on his face. I haven't given anything away, have I?

'Of course, just, yeah, never mind.' I shake my head.

'And for you Chat Noir, strawberry with black chocolate chip, blackberries for her hair, blueberry ice cream just like her sky-blue stare.' He hands Chat his ice cream and we thank him. We walk away and he waves over another customer.

After walking around for a while enjoying our ice creams, we decide to head back to the school to see if anyone has found anyone else has found Adrien or any new information. When we walk into the class though, it looks like things have only gotten worse.

'What's happened? Is there anything new?' I ask Alya, the first person I see when we walk in the door. Chat goes over to talk to Nino a metre or two away while Alya and I start chatting.

'Well, it's gotten slightly worse.' I can see now that her eyes are red like she's been crying.

'What's happened?' He's not kidnapped or dead, is he?

'Marinette's gone missing too.' Well, my plan didn't last very long.

'Oh no! Is there a note or anything? Her phone?' Chat asks. He's just come over with Nino who's started filling him in.

'There isn't a note, but her mum's got her phone. That's how we figured out she was missing actually.'

'How?' Chat looks really confused.

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