Author's Note

435 8 19

Okay, hi! Anyway, I'm sorry that I haven't updated, life's been busy plus it's a fairly long chapter. I've finished writing it, I just need to put it online. So here's the thing: I write it on refill in my lovely blue binder and then upload it. That will be why it takes so long to update. I have to write it out and then put it online. So there's that. BUT that's not the point of this author's note. 

I've had wattpad for a couple of years now (on another account - now deleted, don't try and find it) and I haven't really had much success at being 'successful'. However, when I checked the stats yesterday, it said 1.1k on here. So thank you to you people who have read and commented and voted. And yeah, that's basically the point of this little author's note but I'll get back to writing now. 

 - Laurie :)

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