Chapter Eight: In Which All Is Revealed

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Note: This chapter is in Alya's POV to avoid any confusion.

'Wait, Nino! NINO LAHIFFE!' He finally turns around and comes back to where I'm standing by the front doors of the school.

'What? We need to help find Adrien remember?'

'Yeah, but I need to call Marinette. You know how she is.'

'Okay, but hurry up. I'll try calling Adrien.' I dial Marinette's number.

'Come on girl, pick up!' What could she be doing? Finally, it picks up.

'Finally! Marinette! You'll never guess what's happened!'

'Alya?' This definitely isn't Marinette.

'Uh, yes?'

'It's Sabine.'

'Oh, hi Mrs Dupain-Cheng! Could I talk to Marinette?'

'I thought she was with you?'

'No, she called this morning to say she was sick and staying off school.' I'm confused. What's up with Marinette?

'But she called me last night to say she was sleeping over at your house?'

'I was hanging out at Nino's and then with Ladybug and Chat Noir, I haven't seen her since we left school yesterday.'

'Then - she - but...' Sabine stutters.

'We'll figure out what happened Mrs Dupain-Cheng, don't worry about it.' I console her.

'I know, and we have Ladybug and Chat Noir as well, it's just, why?'

'I'm sure we'll find them.'

'Them? Someone else is missing?'

'Yeah, ah,' I pause, 'Adrien's missing too.'

'Oh no, his poor father. Ever since Emilie, well, he hasn't been the same.'

'You knew his mother?'

'Yes, we went to school together.' She says distractedly, 'I've got to go back to the bakery now, I was just putting some washing up in Marinette's room.'

'Oh, okay. Bye!' I hang up and see Nino looking expectantly at me.

'Well? That didn't exactly sound like you were talking to Marinette.' I'm silent for a moment.

'Adrien's at her house, isn't he?' Nino guesses.

'What, no! They're - they're both missing.'

'Together?' It hasn't completely sunk in yet.

'No, I mean, yes, no, I don't know, Nino, I don't know.' He hugs me.

'Hey, we better call Miss Bustier, tell her what's happened, okay?' I nod.

'It's just, what are the chances of this happening? Both of our best friends going missing at the same time.'

'Maybe they eloped?' Nino jokes.

'Imagine the look on Chloe's face! But they didn't tell us anything, or look or act any different.' Nino looks me straight in the eyes.

'Alya, we're going to find them.'

'Yeah, I know, but still.'

'I get it, the chances of them disappearing at the same time are almost as high as them being Ladybug and Chat Noir.' Nino smiles, 'Do you have Miss Bustier's number? I meant to get it but I forgot.'

'You know Nino,' I say slowly, 'You've just given me a brilliant idea.'

'What, calling Miss Bustier?'

'No, just let me think about it a bit more, I'll tell you later.' I dial Miss Bustier's number.

'Hi, Miss Bustier. We may have a slightly bigger problem than before.'


Well, I updated faster than I thought I would. Anyway, the next chapter's probably going to be a bit longer so it might take a bit longer to write. I'll have a couple of hours to write tonight though so I might get a bit done. Anyway, I hope you like it. Vote & comment as always. Until next time!

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