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Isaac Pov: *1 Week Later*

I sit cross legged while still wearing a restraint jacket and muzzle. I can feel myself laughing with my mouth closed while crying.

The insanity won't leave until I see Tobias.

I hear the door open and familiar footsteps come closer in.


"Wow.. I never thought I'd see you break. You honestly always seemed so calm," I hear Asim say. I keep laughing with my mouth closed.

I can't talk, and he probably only has stupid shit to say. I might well just ignore him.

"If you get right in the head I can bring you to Tobias," he says. I lift my head to look at him immediately. "I see no one has told you, maybe that's for the best."

I try to speak, but only muffles come out. My eyes are wide and I'm desperate to see him. My muffling get louder. He looks at me with a confused face. I start screaming to try to get him to take the muzzle off.

I stop and look at him crying. He frowns.

He walks over and takes my muzzle off.

"I promise I'll behave just let me stay with him! I'll be obedient! I won't leave ever again!" I beg. I cry more. "Please let me stay with him!" I look down and let tears fall on to my white restrain jacket. "Please... I can't be without him any longer..."

It goes silent for a moment.

He bends down and starts to undo my restrain jacket. I look at him.

"Let's go see Tobias," he says and stands up. He holds a hand out. I grab it and stand up.

My demon features refuse to leave me..

*A Few Minutes Later*

I walk into a hospital room.

Is that...


"He attempted suicide 4 weeks ago," Asim says.

I fly over to him using my speed power and lay next to him on the bed.

I cover his face with 1 of my wings and pull him close to me with my huge dragon like tail. Instinct makes me gently nip at his claim mark. His cold body starts to become warm because of my body. He unconsciously hugs me. I purr and keep nipping at his claim mark.

*2 hours later*

I growl as a nurse walks up to us.

"Go away," I say.

"I have to check on hi-"

I get on to my hands and feet which have already turned into huge claws and bare scaly feet and face her while hovering over Tobias. I growl at her with red smoke coming out of my red eye.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM," I say in a loud demon voice. She runs away with a terrified expression on.

I go back to holding him against me with my tail and covering his face with my wing.

Asim Pov: *1 Month Later*

It's already been 2 months of Toby's recovery and Jacob hasn't let anyone touch him or even see him. The monitors are saying he's okay so we won't do anything else.

We are definitely NOT going against a territorial demon. Especially 1 like Jacob, he can kill anyone he wants if he puts his mind to it.

Besides he's been checking him the same way a doctor would everyday, accept in speed power so we never even get a glimpse of Toby's face.

We assume Jacob's using his disinfectant saliva and washing Toby so we don't try to do that either.

Honestly everyone thinks he's fucking him so demons don't try anything because of his scent. Kind of disgusting to me, but I don't blame him right now. He's incredibly territorial and protective right now and we won't go against that.

Not many people are coming into Toby's hospital room anymore because of how scary Jacob gets. He really could give you nightmares.

I think I need to go against Empire rules when Toby recovers...


I love Territorial Demon Jacob soooo muuch!

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