Two - Nobody Cares About The Fat Girl

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I love the interwebs. You can find something about anyone on there.

Especially the contact information for Asher Amore's manager.

So here I am staring at the computer screen as the cursor blinks back at me.

What can I say, I'm desperate.

Hello Sidney Bell,

I typed.

I am contacting you with a proposition that you'll probably never read.

But the 1% out of a 100 chance that you do actually read this, then I'm sorry for bothering you.

But I just have this tiny sliver of hope that something in my life might actually go right.

My name is Peggy Nichols, but I'm best known by my peers as 'Piggy." I am 16 years old, a junior in high school. I make As and Bs but I'm fat. And nobody cares for the fat girl.

And this is the proposition. I want Asher Amore to be my fake boyfriend. I just want people to stop calling me Piggy and going 'oink oink' every time I'm around. And I think the only way to help with that is for me to date Asher.

What's in it for Asher? The good publicity for doing good deeds. Of course.

What's in it for me? I make a friend... hopefully. But mainly to stop getting called piggy.

I have been bullied since 6th grade and I need it to stop.

I'm done being treated like a lower class even though I'm human like the rest of us.

Besides that guy in 3rd grade, he was weird so he doesn't quite count.

Anyways, I need this. I know Asher is a year older and it's late October, too late for him to change into a school that is below his social standards, but I really need a friend.

My one friend doesn't even believe in me.

Okay, for the minuscule chance you actually read this, thanks for your time.

They'll never read it. I'm just a lower class. It was the perfect plan, if only it could happen.

I sent it and wished that only my luck would turn.

But nobody cares about the fat girl.

Asher Amore's POV

I was just sitting on the tan sectional, with joggers, plain t-shirt, and my glasses on watching tv.

"Hey hun," my mom said as she came in.

I looked up, "sup."

"You have a new job," mom smiled at me, an excited smile, one that she does only when I am doing a good deed, or got a job doing a good deed.

"Ugh, can't I just have time to myself for a while. Focus on me. This is tiring, I'm 17, about to turn 18 and graduate, can't I focus on being a kid until I really invest on acting?"

"Sidney said you'll like this job," with the mention of my 27-year-old manager, I perked up.

"I'm listening, go on." I encouraged her, acting as if I was actually interested. Sidney was cool, Sidney was also hot, and I have had a crush on her since she became my acting manager four years ago when I was 14.

"Not only will it give you more experience for an upcoming movie that you need to change everyone's thoughts about you, it will be really good for the press!"

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