Thirteen - Let's Party

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I raced up the stairs and to my room. I hope I look good with the costume Asher and I picked out Tuesday.

I thought the idea was absolutely hilarious. I put on my red plaid flannel with overalls over it, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat.

My hair was already in two braided pigtails. I'm not even going to deal with makeup.

I went downstairs and heard laughing from my mom and dad. I peeked around the corner and then walked in because they stood in front of what they were laughing at.

"Hey guys, what are you laughin-" I busted out a hearty laugh.

But calmed down when my eyes met Asher's depressed eyes. "Alright, mom and dad, I need to speak to Asher."

They turned around, still giggling to themselves and walked out.

"Why did I think this was a good idea?" Asher asked as I looked at his costume up and down.

"Hey, it was your idea to see what it was like in Piggy's hooves." I snorted when looked at his pink hooves that matched the rest of his outfit.

"You really shouldn't be so piggy on what you wear." I contained my laughter.

"Was that a pun?"

"Quit your swining. I'm somewhat despigable. At least these aren't stereotypigal puns."

"Are you done?" He gave me an annoyed look.

"Yeah, just let me take this pigture of you." I laughed.

"I hate you."

"Okay fine, I'm done." I raised my hands in defense.

We started to head out when I turned to him.

"Did you know I really like green eggs and ham." The annoyed look that was previously on his face just seconds before was a smile now twitching at his lips.

"You're pretty good," he laughed.

"Wait, wait, hold on." My mom came hurrying out of the kitchen, "I want to take a picture of the piggy," she pointed to Asher, "and the beautiful farm girl!" She said then pointing to me.

Asher and I both sighed in defeat and we posed.

After several thousand poses and pictures, mom finally let us go but not before giving me a run through that I shouldn't do anything that I know is bad.

We got outside and we got into his challenger to head to the party. I shook my leg nervously.

"Would you stop, you're shaking Shelby." Asher laughed.

"I'm nervous," I mumbled.

"You're nervous," he scoffed, "I'm the one wearing a pig costume."

"Well," I started as the house that the party was being held at was in view, "you do have a point."

"When do I not have a point... Don't answer that. But you look really good. Hot even." He smirked at me just because he knew I'd blush.

Of course, I did blush and punched him on the shoulder, not so lightly.

"Don't punch me, I'm a celebrity," He smugly said.

I punched him again on the shoulder but harder this time.

"I will sue!" He tried to look serious but failed miserably when he started laughing, "come on, let's go in."

He got out and per normal he came to my side and before he could open the passenger side door I locked it.

He looked at me with a frustrated look. "Really? We're back to this again?"

I looked down and fingered the hole in my overalls. I heard a mumbled sigh and he unlocked the door with his key and opened the door.

He squatted down to my level and grabbed my hand, I still looked at my lap, even though a celebrity was holding my hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

I didn't look up because of the fear of embarrassment. Because I am nervous over something he's completely used to. "I'm nervous."

He stitched his eyebrows, "about what?"

"Well, every time I read a book, watch a movie, watch a tv show, the parties never turn out good."

He turned my head by the chin and I looked into his hazel orbs. "Peg, sometimes you got to live, take a chance. You'll never make memories if you stay in your safe bubble."

"Wow," I nodded, "I think that was the smartest thing that came out of your mouth since I met you." I laughed when I saw him roll his annoyed eyes.

"You're a horrible perso-"

He was cut off when the guy from the arcade the other day yelled for Asher and I quote 'comeonAshlet'sgetdrunnnnkkkkk.'

Yep, Hunter was already totally crashed and smashed. He's totally going to regret ever drinking in all his life.

"Come on." Asher smiled and grabbed my hand.

I got led into the house, surprisingly no one, not one person laughed at Asher. And he was in a pig costume!

But of course, I couldn't get through the night without a few bumps on the shoulder, laughing, and pointing. And it wasn't towards Asher because he left to play beer pong and I was standing in the corner watching as the stuffy house filled with drunk, horny teenagers 'dancing' against each other.

I think I was the only sober one here. But I could get drunk by just smelling all the alcohol that was everywhere. Some even got splashed on me.

"Why did I even agree to this," I muttered, not even hearing myself over the loud music that is about to bust my eardrums.

I was grabbed by an arm harshly and pulled outside where the music still boomed but low enough that you didn't have to yell to be heard.

"What are you doing here!" I looked at his angered face when we finally halted to a stop.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Why are you doing this to me!" He yelled with his arms outstretched.

"It's just a party, jeesh." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Are you just doing this out of resentment to me?"

"What is wrong with you, I don't even know what you're talking about," I said confused.

"Well, let me enlighten you." He stepped forward and I took one step back, "you dating Asher. Walking around here like no one likes you and thinking you're ugly when you're the most gorgeous girl I know. And I can't stand it, Peggy, you drive me crazy. I love you."

"Austin." I gasped, completely out of words.

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