Twenty Two - Can't Let Go

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"Can I have this dance, Torta Dolcezza?" A voice asked, and I automatically knew who the voice belonged to.

I looked up and saw the face that I dreaded to see and haven't seen in months. But I guess the heavenly cows above do not work in my favor because there he stood in a suit.

I was mad but didn't let it show, in fact, I got up to walk away and try my best to ignore him until he said, "Peg, plea-"

I stopped and whipped my body around so fast that my arm fat flapped. I stomped up to him jabbing him with my pointer finger. Only to remember the important detail too late that this dude was practically built like a mother heifer-ing rock! I held my finger in pain and glared at him. "What are you even doing here, Asher?"

He looked at me determined, "I just can't let go of you, Peg. I can't go. I can't and I won't." With that said he dipped me and kissed me.

This was different than the feeling from kissing Austin, now sure there wasn't the cliche sparks with either of them, but there was so much more with Asher. With the feeling of kissing Austin, I didn't feel any anything but lips on mine.

There weren't sparks, I didn't feel like we were the only people on the planet, I didn't feel dizzy, I didn't feel like the world was spinning, but mainly, I didn't feel love.

With Asher; I felt as if the world had stopped and was spinning one-million miles per hour. I felt dizzy, I don't know if I felt dizzy from the dwindling amount of air or since I was so happy. I was so focused on the kiss, it felt as if prom wasn't even happening; there wasn't anyone dancing or any music, there was no one giggling, there weren't the kids that were not so secretly swigging alcohol out of their flasks. In fact, nothing was there. I felt nothing but a kiss. A kiss that was so sweet, so full of undeniable love. Love.

I still love Asher.

But what about Austin? Crap! I hesitantly pulled back slowly from his kiss. I looked into the eyes of Asher's.

He looked at me with hurt in his eyes and I felt extremely horrible. I don't know if it was from kissing Asher and practically cheating on Austin or pulling away from the earth-shattering kiss.

Probably the latter but I was going to deny it the best I could.

"You Slut!" Austin came over, he tromped his way in thundering stomps, heaving in anger. I was sure at this moment he seen red. And you could see that he was mad, obviously. But the next action, Austin's action, stupefied everyone and undoubtedly alarmed every single soul in that room.

In a matter of 5 seconds and 3 milliseconds, Austin raised his hand and slapped my right cheek.

Tears sprung to my eyes in pain from the slap. Austin just hit me. He really just hit me.

Which right now I felt so guilty that I thought that I probably deserved it. "Austin, I'm so sorry!" I cried.

"No! I actually felt sorry for you, but look at Ms. Piggy," he chuckled, turned to the crowd- that I didn't notice has formed- and gestured to me, "turns out you're just a whore. And the worst part is that I lost the bet, therefore, I don't get my flippin' money for dating a worthless piece of crap like you."

"W-what?" I asked, still holding my red cheek.

Austin just chuckled, "you're just so innocent, Piggy, that's what the bet was over. To see if I can hump and dump Piggy Nichols."

"You're such a dick!" I yelled.

Austin chuckled sadistically, "I'll see you around, Piggy. Oink, oink." He started walking towards me, hit my shoulder with his own, and walked away.

I turned to Asher to see him furious, he glared at Austin's retreating figure- if looks could kill, Austin would be 6 foot under right now- you could see his face getting red from anger.

"Asher," I whispered gently. Asher's furious face turned but when he saw it was me, his demeanor quickly vanished as he took a few steps to get in front of me and hugged me.

He held onto me and cooed sweet nothings into my ear, "baby, Torta Dolcezza, it's okay. I'm here. Please quit crying, I want my girl back."

I didn't even notice I was crying until I raised up and saw the wet blotches of makeup and tears on Asher's shirt.

"I've missed you so much, Torta Dolcezza," Asher spoke softly as he wiped my tears.

"I've missed you too, Asher," I hugged him then pulled away. "But you really hurt me."

"I know, Peg, I know. But I can't stand not being around you. Peggy," he stared into my glistening eyes, "Peggy, I love you."

"W-what?" I whipped my head up.

Asher's cheeks tinted and he smiled, "I, Earl Asher Daniels Jr., love with all my heart, you, Peggy Nichols."

"B-but, we are just best friends. You can't love me. No one is supposed to love me. I'm Piggy! You only love me as a friend."

"Peggy, did you just put me in the friend zone," he chuckled, clearly amused that I was having a mental breakdown.

"Peggy, I love you, I know Austin said this too, but the difference between me and Austin is that I actually love you. Do you want to know when I found out that I really loved you?" I stood there still disconcerted over this new information and also the actions inflicted on me just moments before.

"Peg, I found out I loved you when you first stood up to me. When you showed that you had balls enough to talk back and that showed me that you should be treated like the queen you are. But I didn't really realize that I was completely in love with you until I lost you. I know that sounds cliché but, Peg, you make my heart oink and I'm so happy the holy cows above blessed me with you. I love you so much."

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