Three - One And Only Asher Amore

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Hi, Peggy Nichols,

As you probably know, this is the one and only Asher Amore. (Insert Smug Emoji)

I actually agree with your proposition of pretending to be your boyfriend. Even if it is insane. No offense.

I guess I'm insane also for actually wanting to go along with this. But I'm willing to do it. I want to see what it's like being in a regular high school.

So since I've yet to see what you look like, I will fly out to you. The first thing tomorrow, I am about to book a flight but I need your address. Happy to see you tomorrow.

No. Flippin'. Way! Someone must be playing with me. They just want to come to my house and slaughter me.

I thought about it and shrugged. Hey, whatever happens, happens. I told myself

I gave him my phone number and address.

I got out my homework and started working but the laughs from the room across mine, into Jesse's room. I got up, making my way to the window and peeking from the side of the curtains.

He was lying on his black duvet, his head and back resting on his headboard with only navy blue ball shorts.

My cousin rested on his chest as her fingers traced his abs and Jesse fingered her straight strawberry blonde hair.

I know it was wrong to be watching them, but I thought of it as surveying, observing on how a relationship works.

I stared, comparing myself to Danielle. Her red hair was lusciously straight cut to her shoulders, while my long, dark brown hair was put into a ponytail to my waist, holding my unruly curls.

Her thin stomach, angled cheekbones, manicured nails, innocent voice, she's perfect.

Whereas my thick stomach, chubby cheeks, nails all different sizes, deep voice along with the animal sounds I make on the regular, I'm... imperfect.

I hit my head against the border of the window on purpose, feeling frustrated at my appearance.

"What was that?" I heard my cousin and I realized I must've made a loud 'thump' sound.

I quickly dropped to the floor, before they could see me. Now I could have used the easier route and moved 5 inches to the left of the window and be out of sight.

But me being stupid, decided to make a stupid decision. Because that is what stupid me stupidly does.

I'm currently groaning on the floor, as I curse myself for making a louder thump.

My dad came in this time without mom and looked around then heard me groaning on the floor.

"Good gracious, kiddo, I thought you were getting kidnapped." he shook his head.

"My shirt fell," I said, raising myself off the ground.

"If that is true then why are you on the floor?" He raised an eyebrow.

I sighed, "well, I was in the shirt."

My dad laughed.

"Plus, " I continued, "this is why I eat cake."

He put his hands on his hips and looked at me suspiciously, "oh really, and what does that have to do with anything?"

"It makes it harder for me to get kidnapped." I smiled.

"This is why you're my favorite daughter." He chuckled and hugged me good night.

"Dad, I'm your only daughter." I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless.

"Now, can you please calm down for the rest of the night." He pleaded.

I grinned like a Cheshire Cat, "no promises."


I barely slept a wink at all last night, so here I am on my bed, with one leg out of the covers, staring at the ceiling fan as it goes 'round n' 'round n' 'round.

At least it wasn't night time, then I would have freaked out about my leg being in the open because of monsters grabbing my foot of course.

I turned my head to my bedside table and stared at the red digits on my peach colored alarm clock; 9:56 am.


Even though it was Saturday, my mom and dad were already at work, with mom being the main doctor at the doctor's office and dad is a nurse.

They left before 7:00, so here I am.

Well dang, they won't get to see me probably get murder-

There was a knock at the door. The front door to be specific.

Who would be here toda-

I raised up quickly, "oh dear sweet baby cow, oh dear sweet baby cow, oh dear sweet baby spotted cow!" I yelled as I hectically ran around the room. Grabbing clothes to put on, and pulling my hair into a really messy bun that was not at all presentable.

I brushed my teeth as quickly as I could and was about to put my clothes on when I heard knocking downstairs again.

I ran downstairs in my pajamas, thank the sweet lord of cows I wore a bra before I went to sleep last night because I was too lazy to take it off.

I opened the door expecting to be star struck but was met with the blue eyes of Jesse King. In white Converse, gray shirt, and khaki pants.

"Oh, hey, Jesse," I said disappointedly. I should have known the people I emailed just emailed back to make me feel like a fool.

"Um, hey, " he started uncomfortably and barely raised his hand in a wave. "Um- I- uh...uh" he stuttered.

"What?" I encouraged him on.

"Well, I know you saw Danielle and me last night, I know you like me, but I love Danielle, not you, so if you could stop pining over me before she notices, well, that'd be greatly appreciated."

"Oh," I pursed my lips.

"Yeah, it's just not gonna happe-" before he had a chance to finish that sentence a car pulled up. And I'm not talking about just any car. Like a purple sports car, a really expensive one too.

I looked at it in awe and Jesse turned also but more in surprise.

The car parked in my small driveway, and just like a scene from a movie, a hot guy in aviator sunglasses came out and it was like slow motion.

This is Asher Amore.

And he is way better looking in person.

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