Seventeen - "Did You At Least Use A..."

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"Oh, not her too," a loud bang of a door closing and a woman's voice woke me up. I raised my stiff body up and looked at the source of which awoken my tired body in its cuddly position.

My head was on a warm surface that rose and deflated heavily. Probably from the stupid booger eater that woke him and me up.


"Who are you," I asked with squinted eyes.

"No, you don't get to ask me that you fat ho."

I looked at her, quite offended actually. But who wouldn't feel offended when a person whom you don't know wakes you up then calls you a 'fat ho.' All in the total of a minute.

"I asked you first." I crossed my arms and glared.

Asher took his time but finally rose up, "Peggy, this is my manager Sidney. Sidney, this is my best friend Peggy."

"Oh goodness!" Her eyes widened, "I'm so sorry!"

"Uh... it's okay, I guess?" I said, unsure of my own answer, "I'm going to leave now." I got up and started to leave.

"Wait!" Asher said, "why are you leaving?" He started to pout.

"I have to go home, my mom and dad are probably worried."

"Oh... okay."

"I'll text, ya know if they don't ground me first." I half smiled.

He came over to me and gave me a hug and I left.

When I arrived home from his bodyguard driving me I turned back and waved, but he held a hardened face. I twisted and walked to the front door, taking a deep breath I walked in. Hearing the voices of my parents in the kitchen, I headed in that direction.

When I walked in and saw my parents sitting, eating breakfast which consisted of just waffles. My dad glanced in my direction over the top of his newspaper then looked back at it again, however, mom kept her eyes set on me as I took a seat at the table, smiling widely. She got up and fixed me a plate and some orange juice. When she set it in front of me, I took the syrup from the table and drenched my waffles in it.

She kept staring, watching me like a hawk and smiling like a kid when they see a funny clown. Unless the kid is like me and cries, then kicks the clown in the nuts as I did on my 7th birthday. True story.

I put the fork full of waffle in my mouth, finally, I spoke up at her weird behavior. "What?" I said when I swallowed.

"How was your night?"

"Fine, I guess," I took a gulp of the orange juice.

"Did you at least use a condom," that's when the juice spewed everywhere.

"Lilith!" My dad yelled, choking on air.

"What? I was just asking." Mom said innocently.

"Lilith, our daughter did not have sex," my dad said with confidence then the confidence wavered as he looked at me, "right?"

"You can rest assured because I did not do the... thing," I shivered in disgust.

"Oh thank the lord of cows!" My dad said thankfully. And that is where I get that saying from.

"Okay, then where were you all night?" My mom asked.

"And you better not lie to us," dad said with warning.

"I was at Holly's," I lied even though they said not to lie to them. But what can I say, I'm a teenager.

And just like that, the subject changed.

"Oh how is Holly? I haven't seen her in forever. You have to invite her over for dinner soon," mom said sweetly.

"Holly has been good and I sure will."

We ate the rest of our breakfast in comfortable silence and after I was done with my food, I made my way to my bedroom.

As soon as I sat at my desk, my phone rang. I picked up my phone and looked at the caller I.D.

Incoming call from Hol

I furrowed my eyebrows and answered, "hello?"

"Oh thank goodness you picked up!" She frantically yelled through the phone. I had to hold phone a few inches from my ear where I wouldn't go deaf.

"Are you alright, Holly?"

"Listen, I know you got mad at me and we haven't talked in a while, but can I come over?"

"Yeah, of course," I smiled.

15 minutes later, I saw Holly's car pull up. I ran down the stairs. "I've missed you!" I squealed and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for not talking to you, I've been busy."

Thank the heavenly cows that my parents left a few minutes ago to go to the grocery store so they didn't know that I haven't been talking to Holly. And also find out that I didn't stay at her house.

"Yeah, busy with a smoking hot movie star!" She said with high pitched squeals.

"He is pretty hot, huh?" I smiled.

"Tell me your secrets, Peggy! I need a hot famous guy too!"

"To be honest, I don't know how I did it."

"You must have the best luck ever!" She grinned and then it faltered.

"What?" I questioned.

"You need to see something," she pulled her backpack off that I didn't notice- she must be spending the night- then pulled out a magazine with Asher's face on it, and right beside him was my fat face.

Oh sweet lord of cows.

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