Five - Sexy Beast

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At this moment I realized there was a sexy beast named Asher Amore downstairs. On my couch. And is going to fake date me. And take me out. And actually be my friend.

And. He. Is. Down. The. Stairs.

I squealed so loud. I mimicked a pig I'm sure.

I covered my mouth quickly, hoping to the lord of cows that he did not just hear that.

I calmed my self a little bit but not as calm as a normal human.

But heck, it was Asher Amore we're talking about.

I coolly walked down the stairs. Acting as if I never just totally went fanatical.

I entered the family room and clasped my hands together and looked anywhere but him. "Sooo, where are we going?"

He got up and looked at me. Oh God, did he hear me? Please no.

He eyed me up and down. "What in the world are you wearing?"

I looked down at my apparel. Regular blue jeans, a regular white t-shirt that said I never run with scissors. And below it said those last two words were unnecessary. I match those with vans that had a blue background with french fries on them.

"Again that's probably why they call you Piggy." He chuckled.

Even though it hurt, I was used to this, so I shrugged it off. As a quote said once, "the truth will set you free, but first it's gonna piss you off."

I faked a laugh and lightly punched his arm, his very muscled arm. "Oh shut up, there's nothing wrong with my outfit?"

He held his shoulder as if I actually hurt him. "Well, that's true, that is way better than your pajamas, but I mean you're hair is still in a weird, rat nest, thing from earlier." He gestured to my head.


"I know about the hair," I said as I took my ponytail holder out and pulled it in a regular ponytail, continuing with what I was saying, "but you said you liked my pajamas!"

"That's because I was trying to make your little 'boyfriend,'" he quoted with his hands, "jealous."

I scoffed but my cheeks warmed, "He is not my boyfriend." I emphasized 'not.'

He rolled his perfect green eyes and smirked, enjoying the torture he was causing me. "Okay, fine, dream boyfriend."

"Ha! He is not my crush," I looked anywhere but him.

"Whatever you say." He said in a singsong voice and walked towards the front door.

I followed but before he could open the door, I ran and opened it for him.

He looked at me confused, "one, I thought you didn't run, two, I know how to open a door."

"I assumed you did, but you're a celebrity, I am not gonna let you be treated normally, especially with all you're doing for me." I gestured to continue walking out the door after I opened it.

"You're an odd girl, I actually like it, it's different than what I'm used to." He said unmoving.

"And what are you normally used to?" Honestly, I wanted to know the answer.

"Girls throwing themselves at me. At first, it was flattering but now it has just got old."

"Wow, that must really suck," I said sarcastically.

"Would you quit." He laughed playfully, "I'm human too."

"You're right, but you're just better."


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