Fifteen - Earl

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"Wow, it's huge!" I exclaimed.

Asher smirked, "that's what she said."

I punched him on the shoulder. "That's gross," I said cringing in disgust. And the jerk just laughed.

I disregarded him and looked around the spacious room decorated in moss green and white. An odd combination but everything actually complimented each other.

And the nicest looking thing in the room, Asher Amore.

As he stood in by the door, unaware that I was staring at him out of the corner of my eyes. Completely relishing in the fact that he was my boyfriend. Fake or not. He was truly my best friend. Not because of him being a celebrity, but because of the fact that he had a heart of gold coming here.

What started as a celebrity crush turned into a best friend. Sure, Holly's been there for me but she's made no move to reach out to me this past couple of weeks.

But to be fair; neither have I.

He looked appetizing with his abs on display, his biceps, his-

"Why are you staring at me like that? You're literally eye-raping me." He raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms. But you could see the slight twitch in his pursed lips.

Oh my gosh, those lips.

Peggy! Snap. Out. Of. It.

"You're still staring."


He laughed and my face now probably resembled a tomato.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked mumbling, looking anywhere but him.

"What," He said, not understanding what I mumbled out.

"What? Nothing!" I said quickly, a little too quickly.

I mentally facepalmed myself. You're just digging yourself deeper, Peggy.

"Mmmhmm," Asher said, clearly not believing me.

Heck, I wouldn't believe me either.

"I'm gonna go change, make yourself at home," I looked at him dejectedly as he turned away to go into the room that I'm guessing was his bedroom.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked myself as I flopped down into the most comfortable couch that I've ever sat in. And that is not an exaggeration.

"Why are you asking yourself that?" I looked up to the voice that it belonged to.

"Asher, there's something really wrong with my head," I groaned as I rubbed my palm down my face.

He sat across from me changed into gray joggers and a maroon T-shirt that had P!ATD on it.

"Nice shirt by the way," I sighed pointing to his shirt.

He looked down at his shirt making a double chin in the process. I giggled and he looked up with a smile.

"Now what's wrong? Why'd you pull me from the party?"

Reality hit me in the face and I sighed again. "He kissed me, Asher."

"What? Who kissed you?" He was taken aback. But I would too as I waited to know who kissed your fake girlfriend.

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