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Cathleen sat on the steps of the Orphanage she has been staying in for the past week, waiting for Bruce Wayne to pull up. How she got adopted by the Billionaire, she had no clue. Cathleen lost her parents around a two years ago, after she watched her father get shot, she slipped into a coma. When she woke up, the doctors sent her to Juvi. Due to all the Orphanages being full, but after a year of being there, she was kiddnaped  by Joker and held hostage, but luckily for her, Batman and Robin, and Red Robin, and Red Hood, And Nightwing saves her. Since then she has been in the orphanage.
She sees a black car pull up in front of her, and a man with Black hair and blue eyes steps out. He sees her and smiles.
"Hi, my name is Bruce Wayne. You must be Cathleen Grace, first off, I would like to say I'm sorry for your loss. I too lost my parents at a young age, and I saw it happen as well." Cathleen gets a sad expression on her face at the mention of her parents.
"Also, I'm gonna warn you. I have four sons at home, all except Damien have lost their family as well. So, if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can come to anyone in the house." Cathleen smiles a bit and then nods, Bruce then helps get her things. The few she has, consisting of her few heirlooms, and a few clothes.
Her heirlooms are some jewelry from her mother, photos of her family, her fathers favorite books, her parents wedding rings, and a quilt her great some grandmother made.
When she gets in the car, she tenses up and just stares out the window.


I smiled when I saw my new daughter, I'm glad she wasn't sent back to Juvi. She is about 4'4 with charcoal black hair, teal eyes, pale skin, and slender figure. She has some scars from Juvi, when her parents died, and from Joker. She is awfully quiet, but I guess that can be expected from a little girl who was traumatized and stuck in a coma for a year. I noticed her tense up up when we entered the car, I wonder why?
When we got to the house, I helped Cathleen out of the car, and I chuckled at her face. She's staring at the house in awe and amazement, they always have that face. Alfred grabs her bags, and I lead her to the doors. When I open them, I let her in, then Alfred follows. I head over to the staircase and then holler for my boys to come down. I hear the thundering footseps and I notice Cathleen shrink down, she's scared. I walk over to her and kneel next to her.
"Hey, Cathleen, there's nothing to be worried about. It's only my four sons being loud, ok?" She nods her head, then my kids appear. I stand up and look at them.
"Boys, we have a new member to our family. Meet your sister, Cathleen Grace." Cathleen looks scared, and the boys all start to get huge smiles. I chuckle, they've been asking for a sister recently, so when we rescued Cathleen, I new she was the one for our family.
"Cathleen, these our your big brothers. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damion." I point to each one of my kids as I say their names. Damien is smiling, I guess he's happy to not be the youngest.
"Father, can I please give her the tour?" Asks Damien, I just chuckle.
"No Damien, all of you are going to show her around. Cathleen, your brothers will show you around, ok?" She nods, then walks over to Dick, he offers her his hand, and she gladly accepts. I watch them walk off, they boys all buzzing with excitement. I feel bad for my new daughter, she has to deal with four boys that are super energetic at the young age of seven.


So, I led my new sister through the Manor, and she was really quiet. When we got to dinner, she hasn't spoken a word, only nodded her head or pointed at stuff. When we sat down, she didn't touch her food, and I was worried. So I set down my fork and walked over to her and asked her my question.
"Cathleen, are you ok? You've been really quiet and you haven't spoken a word since you got here." She looks up at me and sighs, then looks over at Bruce.
"I didn't tell them about your past, it wasn't mine to share. You can tell them, your apart of our family now." She just nods, then looks at me, and speaks in Romanian. Which shocked everyone, me most of all.
"When I was five, my parents took me out for dinner and ice cream. When we went back to the car, it exploded. My mom died from the explosion, and I was hurt bad from it. My dad recovered and tried to get to me, the last thing I saw was him being shot twice. Once through the heart, and once through the head. I then drifted off to sleep, when I woke up, the doctors told me I had been in a coma for a year. When I was healed enough, they sent me to Juvi because the orphanages where all full. After a year in Juvi, Joker busted in and took me and another kid. He shot him and kept me, I was with him for about a week before Batman and all his partners rescued ms. I've been in an orphanage since then, then yesterday, I was told Bruce adopted me." I stare at her in shock, she has been though a lot. I ask her something in Romanian.
"Can you speak English?" She simply nods her head.
"Cathleen, what's your full name? I have been quite curious." Asks Brice, she looks up, then gains a gain smile.
"My full name is Cathleen Josephine Maria Grace, I'm 1/4 Spanish, 1/4 Romanian, 1/4 Italian, And 1/4 Greek. I'm fluent in Italian, Greek, Romanian, Spanish, English, Polish, Swedish, German, and Some others I can't remember the names of." I hear her giggle, her giggle is adorable. And wow, she knows a lot.
"How did you learn so many languages?"
"My Dads work has us all over Europe, till we immigrated here, when I was almost five. I was told I'm smarter than everyone my age, is that true?" She asks, and she talks so adorably. Her accent isn't thick, you can tell she isn't American, but she has a barely noticeable accent.
"Yeah, I'd say so." She smiles, then I can truly see the seven year old before me.
"How about you finish your dinner?" Asks Bruce, she nods then eats some of it before saying she's full. She ate about 1/4 if her meal.
"I don't have a big apatite. Being in a coma for a year, and Juvi, they shrink your stomach." We all nod solemnly, she yawns and rubs her eyes.
"Here, let me show you your room. Your probably tired, and I know all about how big a change this can be." She just nods, than grabs my hand. I lead her to her room, when I open the door, she gasps. It's a room, with sky blue walls, white trim, some teal accents, and a bed with white and teal sheets.
"Here you go, Umm, do you sleep in girl clothes, or will my old stuff work for you?" She thinks for a second, then squeals.
"Your old stuff." Then she laughs. I chuckle, then grab a pair of my old pijamas. I help her get into them, and I see scars. A bunch of them on her stomach and back.
"Oh, I got those when the car exploded." I sigh then nod. Once she's in bed, she's out cold. I exit her room and head to the batcave, I find the rest of the family there and I sigh.
"She's our cold, Bruce, when she finds this place, will she also become a bat?" He turns around and faces me, then sighs and rubs his face.
"I don't think so, she doesn't like violence. Cathleen may want to help, but I'm not sure if she wants to become a vigilante with us. Well find out when we get here, for now, everyone suit up. It's time for patrol, be careful, Joker is out of Arkam." We all nod then suit up, then ride into the night.

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now