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It had taken them a week, a week to go through all the stuff Cathleen collected. They all had to admit, the girl was good. She had found a whole bunch of evidence and trafficking routes.

"Dick, you're sister found three new Meta Human Trafficking sites, run by different organizations. Maybe we could use her help." Artemis Said, and Dick just groaned and put his head in his hands.

"Artemis, shes ten." He said, and she sighed.

"Dick, you're being over protective. The girl can take care of herself, trust me. She also has a good heart, and she wants to help her family." Artemis Said, and Dick just looked at all the stuff his sister found.

"I don't know, I mean, she's paralyzed Artemis. All she has is her brain, that will only go so far." At that Artemis sighed.

"Maybe, maybe not. She's clearly a really bright child, and, she seems like she won't let you tell her what to do." Dick sighed, and realized Artemis was right.

"Maybe, but I can't risk it." He said, and Artemis places a hand on his shoulder.

"Then you're gonna have to be prepared to face the fact that she might go behind your back." Then Artemis walked off.


Cathleen smiled, she did it. She found a way to save Wally, everything checks out. She just needs Halo, otherwise, nothing will work.

She put on leggings, a dress, and boots. Grabbing her jacket, Cathleen then wheeled herself to the Batcave. She then Zeta to Connors house, and snuck to Halo.

"Past, Violet." She said, and Halo and Breon faced her.

"Who are you?" Breon Asked, and Cathleen sighed.

"I'm the sister of Nightwing, now keep it down. Connor is home, he has super hearing. Anyway, I need your help Violet." She said, and the two look at each other.

"What kind of help?" Violet Asked, and Cathleen sighed.

"I have a plan to bring Kid Flash back, the original one. But I don't have powers, and I believe Violet can. I just need her help, please." Cathleen Said, and Violet felt like she could help.

"Ok, I'll help."

"What, Violet, this is crazy." Breon Said.

"Breon, I want to help. I think I can help her, and I can protect myself." Breon just sighs, and allows Violet to go with Cathleen.

"Ok, can you please open a boom tube to this place?" Cathleen Asked, as she held up her phone. Violet did, then the two girls disappeared.


When they landed, Cathleen really hated her wheelchair. She turned it into a cane, and turned her cane into a snowboard. Then proceeded to pull herself forward.

"Wait, let me help you." Violet Said, as she flew to Cathleen and carried her.

"Thanks, ok, we need to go over there." Cathleen Said, pointing to the area Wally disappeared at. As they got closer, Violet felt something.

"Someone is here, but I cannot see who." She said, and Cathleen gasped.

"That means Wally is still here, ok, Halo, land. We need to let you find him." Halo did, and once she landed, she started to glow cerulean blue. Then a rift appeared, and they went through it.

Inside was Wally, he was passed out on the floor. Cathleen gasped, then sit a line around him. Halo exited the rift, and then Cathleen started to pull with all her might. Halo helped to, and once Wally's hand was out, Cathleen grabbed it and started pulling.

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now