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Ok, so the first thing I felt was pain. Unbelievable pain, I moaned, then I felt a hand grab mine. I managed to open my eyes to see dad, he was smiling at me, and then I noticed that my brothers and Barbra where in beds behind him.
"Cathleen, you alright. You where saved by the paramedics. How do you feel?" I look up at him and then I think hard, how do I feel?
"I hurt all over, but I can't feel my legs, dad why can't I feel my legs?!?" I look up at my father, alarm and panic showing well on my face.
"Calm down, Cathleen, the doctors told me that you are gonna be paralyzed from the waist down. Your not completely paralyzed, you will be able to walk some days, but for the most part, your paralyzed. I'm so so sorry, but the bullet that hit your back, it hit your spine and did this." In crying, well, what do you expect me to do? I just found out that I'm paralyzed from the waist down, and I'm a seven year old who loves to swim and walk around.
"Cathleen, you and your brothers will be able to come home tomorrow. Sadly I am having a fundraiser in two days, but I'm gonna change what the funds go to. I'm afraid that you have to go to the fundraiser, like your brothers do, and Barbra will be there as well." I nod sadly, I'm still crying.
"Cathleen, I got you something." Dad hands me a box, and I open it. Inside is a beautiful necklace, it has circles with different colors on each. One is black, the other is blue and clack, red and black, yellow red and green, black yellow and red, and purple black and yellow. On the back of each circle, is the superhero names and civi names of my family. I smile and look up at my dad, then I hug I'm.
"Thank you." He smile and then helps me put it on. Sadly a doctor comes in and I'm brought to go through surgery again, they are gonna try to repair some of the nerves that where damaged.

Time skip

So, today we're being released from the hospital today. Jason and Dick both have slings for their arms, cuz they are temporarily paralyzed due to nerve damage, Tina and Damien are helping me because I'm in a wheelchair. Barbra is on crutches, her right leg is temporarily paralyzed from nerve damage and cuz it got shot. The other people who where shot are also leaving today, but the press mainly are questioning me and my brothers. We just push past them and try to make it to Alfred and Dad.
"Dick, Jason, Tim, Damien, Cathleen!" We see Bruce rush up to us, and we are engulfed into a group hug. Alfred appears behind Bruce and is smiling at us.
"Ahh, Master Dick, Master Jason, Master Timothy, Master Damien, Mistress Cathleen, I am relieved that you all are alright." I smile sadly at this, but Alfred places my bulletproof blanket on my lap.
"There you go Mistress Cathleen, to keep your legs comfortable." I smile great fully at Alfred, then we make our way to the limo.

Two days later

Tonight is the gala/ fundraiser, and let's just say, even though I'm in a wheelchair most of my time, I still have to wear a dress. Like seriously, I'm crippled, and your making me wear that fancy death trap! I like dresses, but not fancy dresses.
Getting around he Manor is harder now, Alfred installed a chair lift for me. So I can get up and down stairs, it's slow, but at least I can do it on my own. However, it still sucks that I got Paralyzed at age seven. Oh, speaking of age, my birthday is coming up, I have a week till I turn eight. I haven't told dad or my brothers yet, but in a few days, I'm gonna be introduced to the Justice League. So, I'm excited for that. I also am gonna meet young Justice, since they all work out of the watchtower. Oh, the ball, right.
I'm wearing a teal dress with black ballet flats, and Alfred failed at my hair, so Jason is braiding my hair.
"Jason, do you think that I'll be able to walk again and not worry about my legs stop working?" I turn around and look at my big brother, he sigh and places a hand on my shoulder.
"Cathe, I'm not sure. However, anything is possible. We live in a world where superpowers and aliens are normal, where technology is so advanced that we can go to alien planets. I think you'll be able to run around and not worry about your paralysis, but I'm sorry sis, but that day is not today." I sigh then nod my head.
"Should I bring my wheelchair and blanket?" I look up at Jason, because today I can walk as long as it's not for too long and I use my cane.
"Hmm, I would say yes. Because I know you you little trouble maker, you'll try to act tough and overwork your already paralyzed nerves." I just laugh, cuz that sounds like something I would do. I may follow Dads rules way more than my brothers, but let's face it, I don't like to sit still.
"Can you please help me up and downstairs?" Jason nods, then helps me walk downstairs to the ball room. Dad Dick Tim and Damien are already there, and I smile at them.
"Hi Cathy, how are your legs?" I roll my eyes.
"I can walk right now, but I need to sit down." Dick brings me a chair I can sit in and I thank him.
"Cathleen, your brothers are gonna help you up onto the little stage for the announcement ok." I nod, then guests start to arrive. I see Dick, Tim, and Jason all head over to this group of kids and teenagers. I wonder if that's the team?

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now