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Thanks to Gardita, Cathleen knew the basic extent of her powers. She could communicate with technology, and even control it with her mind. She also was able to interface with any tech, merge with tech, create tech, even have things extend from her to link her up to tech.

The day she was released from the hospital, press were everywhere. She openly admitted to being a meta human, saying she was kidnapped and almost sold to meta human trafficking.

Her family was livid, livid she admitted to that, and to the fact that she was killed so powers could be activated. However, now she's pretty much always seen with Gardita. The trio started being known as, Cardita.

Nobody really knows what they do, just that they're really close. Perdita and Garfield have even admitted that Cathleen is like a daughter sister figure to them, and it shows.

In secret, Perdita has been helping Cathleen build an exoskeleton. One that she'll be able to control with her mind, enabling her to walk again. They also are running tests, to see if there is a better way to fix this.

Garfield has been helping her better control her powers, and she has flourished under his teachings. Also, nobody knows what they're planning. Perdita had a special suit made for Garfield, when he shape shifts, he can control what color he appears as. Black, or green. Also, a new suit is being made for Cathleen. It's Blue and Green, deep blue and green. There is a cape, but it retracts and allows a jet pack to form.

The suit uses advanced technology, technology that Cathleen seems to be able to invent with ease. Technology that won't fail due to an EMP, which is essential.

"Perdita, were are we hanging out today?" Cathleen Asks the Woman, as she rolls up to her and Garfield.

"Well, I wanted to take you to the beach." She said, and Cathleen smiled. She still loved swimming, and water. But Bruce hasn't let her near a pool or the beach since her almost death.

"That sounds wonderful, I love swimming." Cathleen Said, and the two almost adults walked behind her and started pushing her to the limo.

That's when the limo exploded, and sent them flying back. Cathleen was launched from her wheelchair, and crashed into Gardita. Perdita's security was rushing to them, and Garfield was getting up.

When Cathleen looked up, she paled. It was god damned meta traffickers! Garfield turned into a tiger, and Perdita pulled Cathleen close to her.

"Who are you, and what do you want?!?" Perdita Cried out, they laughed.

"I simply want to take these two metas with me, then you can be on your way your Highness." He said, and Garfield growled. The man held up a gun, and Cathleen gasped.

She started to glow green, but didn't care. She would use the damn signals going through the air to protect them if she had to, and that's exactly what she did.

Concentrating, she made the signal that travels through air, and turned it into a green shield. The bullets just bounced off, and then she managed to send the shield to hold the gun man.

"Cathleen, that was incredible!" Perdita Said, as she watched the police take the man away.

"I didn't know you could do that." Garfield Said, as he knelt next to her as a boy.

"Neither did I." She said, as she looked at them. I guess I'm more powerful than we thought, and now people know some of my powers." She said, and the two smiled.

"They know you can create force fields, not that you control technology." Perdita Said, and Cathleen gave her a hug. Garfield picked her up, and they walked to here her wheelchair was.

"Glad you built this thing, otherwise it'd have been blown up." Garfield Said, as he set her down.

"Well, duh. Where else was I supposed to store my suit and new tech?" She said, and the three smiled.

"Queen Perdita, Ms. Wayne, are you alright?" Asked a Police Officer, and the two girls smiled.

"Yes, thanks to Cathleen." Perdita Said, and Cathleen smiled.

"Well, why don't we visit that meta human center? I'm sure many kids would love to meet you." Cathleen Said to Garfield, and Perdita smiled.

"That sounds lovely, then afterwords, we'll visit Megan and Connor." Perdita Said, and they all smiled. That's when Alfred pulled up, and Cathleen groaned.

"Mistress Cathleen, that's no way you should act around royalty." The butler said.

"Alfred, we were gonna walk there, well, roll there, well, you know what I mean." She said, and Perdita and Garfield started to chuckle.

"No, I will take you to wherever you want to go. It is my job." Cathleen groaned as he pushed her into the car, leaving Gardita to laugh.

"You two can help whenever you like." Cathleen Cried, as Alfred set her into the car, but the two just got in.

"Nah, it's too much fun." Garfield Said, and Cathleen rolled her eyes.

"Where to Mistress Cathleen?" Alfred Asked, and she groaned in frustration.

"The Meta Human outreach center." She said, then they were off. To make some days brighter, also, to get a few things.

Time skip....

Everyone rushed outside when they saw something flying towards them, weapons were drawn. Till they saw it was just a girl, and that's when the green horse and Queen Perdita arrived.

"Queen Perdita, Garfield, what a surprise." Connor said, and that's when Nightwing looked back at the sky.

"Mind telling us who's your friend in the sky?" He Asked, and the two smirked.

"You can come down now!" Perdita Said, and they all gasped. It was Cathleen, but with a jet pack. When she got about two feet from the ground, the jet pack disappeared. She started to fall, till her wheelchair appeared out of nowhere.

"Wow, How'd you do that?" Asked a shocked Victor, and Cathleen smiled.

"I'm a meta,  still can't walk, but I can create force fields now. Also, hacking is easy." She said, as she wheeled forward.

"You've got a lot of explanations to give young lady." Dick said, and Cathleen just looked at him.

"You May be my older brother, but you are not the boss of me." Cathleen Said, before she wheeled off. The 'kids' all chased after her, but before Garfield did, he faced Dick.

"Dick, she needs her caring brother right now. Not the bat, trust me. Cathleen needs love and support, not whatever you've been giving her." Then he chased after the disabled meta.

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now