New Hero

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Cathleen wheeled to Perdita's car, she was helped inside, and she saw Perdita and Garfield.

"So, were are we going today?" She asked, and Perdita smirked.

"Time to get you out there, Meta Human Trafficking is wrong, we all hate it. Now, it's time we do something about it." She said, and they pulled into a private property.

"Were are we? This is a private property." Cathleen Said, as she looked out the window.

"This is Perdita's villa, she got it after what happened at the hotel." Garfield Said, and Cathleen gasped.

"Does this mean you're staying here?" Cathleen Asked in shock and joy.

"For now, yes. But I am the Queen of Vlativa, I am needed. However, you will be allowed to go here whenever you like." Perdita Said, as she helped Cathleen our.

"Perdita, what's going on?" Cathleen asked, and Perdita just pushed her forward.

"Well, if you're gonna be a hero. You need a place to operate from, and because I'm helping you two put an end to meta human trafficking, I had an idea." Perdita Said, and Cathleen and Garfield shared a look.

"Is there a secret passage in a clock or bookcase?" Cathleen Asked, and Perdita laughed.

"What, no. That's too cliche, I came up with something better." She said, as she entered a bedroom.

"This is Cathleen's room, look." Perdita Said, as she pushed her to the mirror. Cathleen gasped, she felt technology.

"This is a secret door, isn't it." Cathleen Said, and Perdita smirked.

"Why don't you see." She said, and Cathleen's eyes started to glow, binary code scrolling on her eyes. The door opened, and Cathleen gasped.

"Wow, this is even more cool than the Batcave." She said, as she wheeled forward.

"Come, you have a secret entrance of your own." Perdita Said, as she pulled Garfield to his entrance. Cathleen went forward, the door closed behind her, and Cathleen senses lights, so she had them turn on.

It was a hallway, but as she went a bit further up, she realized it was a slide. Having her wheelchair turn into a cane, she pulled herself to the slide. Looking down, she saw it went far, taking a breath, she slid down.

The wind whipped past her face, the slide then dropped her onto a chair. She used her powers and discovered it was the new hover cycle she invented, so she powered it up.

She shot forward, and let out laughter. This was fun, Perdita was amazing! Then she came to a room, it was huge. Cathleen gasped, there was high tech everywhere. She could feel all the data trying to go into her head, the hover cycle stopped. Cathleen activated her exoskeleton, and walked to the computer.

As she was walking, Garfield appeared from another. Then Perdita appeared, as did a fireman pole. The type that are in the Batcave, they take you up and down.

"Welcome to our base, from here we will be able to operate, and stage missions." Perdita Said, and the two were shocked.

"Perdita, this is incredible!" Cathleen Said, and Perdita laughed.

"Now, let me show you your new suit." Perdita Said, as she pulled Cathleen to the case. The girl gasped, it was amazing!

There was a transparent skirt, and Cathleen could instantly feel the tech it was made from. Then the rest was black, however, she knew that there was more than meets the eye.

"The suit is made from the nano fiber material you invented, and there is nano technology as well. You can change the color of it with your mind, but default color is black.

It has a mask, so you can hide your identity, and so you won't give away all your power capabilities. The suit will also mask the glow you give off when you use some of your powers." Perdita Said, and Cathleen was staring in shock.

"Perdita, it's amazing, thank you." The girl said, as she gave the woman a hug.

"Well, try it on." Perdita said excitedly, and Cathleen opened up her senses, and the suit responded. It flew to her, and she was inside it. Instantly, she checked to see if her exoskeleton was integrated, and it was.

"Wow, What is the skirt for?" Cathleen Asked, and Perdita smiles.

"Why don't you see." So Cathleen did, she accessed the skirt and was surprised. It unfolded into wings, like fairy wings.

"This is for when you are going covert and your jet pack would be to noticeable." Perdita Said, and Catherine gave her a hug.

"Well, go meet Garfield. You can test your suits out in the field." Cathleen then flew to Garfield, Who was wearing a black suit.

"Wow, you look amazing Cathleen." Garfield Said, and Cathleen smiled.

"Ok, thanks to Cathleen, we know the Justice League, the Team, and the group Prince Breon is on, are attacking Meta Trafficking sites tonight. But, there are just too many. So, we will be taking out these ones." Perdita Said, as she pulled up the file.

The two gasped, one was in Markovia, one was in Bialya, and the other was in Atlantis. That's when Cathleen's suit activated her helmet, the girl was startled at first but then got it together.

The helmet had a voice modulator, an oxygen mask, and some other tech functions. It was cool, and it covered her hair as well.

"No, Cathleen, you will be the transportation. Garfield, climb aboard Cathleen, you should find a little pocket on her shoulder were you can sit." Perdita Said, and Garfield turned into a hamster and got into the pocket.

"Now good luck, I'll be here monitoring your progress." Perdita Said, and the two nodded. Then, Cathleen turned and flew out.

Time skip...

They arrived, Garfield stayed as a hamster and went in the vents. Cathleen stayed hidden and saw what was inside, thanks to the camera that Garfield has with him. She saw kids in tar, and a whole lot of tech she could turn against the enemy.

Focusing, she opened the pods, deactivated the control chips, had the tech melt down, and electrocute the traffickers. Then she slipped in, ties them up, and told the teens to wait for the authorities. They thanked her, then she flew away. Making sure to use her fairy wings that she had turned Purple, Hey, gotta confuse people.

Then she picked up Garfield, and went to her pack mode. They went to Bialya, and took down that place. It was easy, she just had to signal the Bioship that was nearby, before flying off.

Then, they went to Atlantis. Cathleen made sure to stay in jet mode, Garfield was a fish right now. He went ahead, and Cathleen wanted to scream.

The tech that they were using was what was keeping the kids alive, and it looked like they've yet to be tared. So she used her powers to have the containment field take the kids up. Then she electrocuted the men, easy, then tied them up.

She saw Aquaman approach, and she had Garfield get back, then she netted to the surface. Where she sped off to their hideout, with a smile on her face

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now