Power Sharing

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Cathleen didn't know where she was going, just away from her brother. She could tell that the other meta kids and Perdita were chasing her, and she also knew she needed to talk with Perdita.

When she reached the pond, she stopped. She missed being able to feel water, missed being able to swim. So, she just wheeled her wheelchair up to the edge.

"Cathleen!" She turned around and saw Perdita, this brought a smile to her face.

"I'm sorry I wheeled out like that, I just. Ever since the incident three years ago, my family has been treating me like I'm weak. I'm sick of it, I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry that I made you chase me, I was being stupid." Cathleen Said, as she lowered her head in shame. The others arrived at the scene, Wally to, he figured he might be some help.

"Cathleen, you acted fine. I know that with your new abilities you get overwhelmed easily, but that's just because of how much information is going into your head." Perdita Said, and all the teens and Wally sat down.

"Hey, I got an idea." Said Garfield, as he looked around.

"Why don't we tell each other what our powers are, and a little bit about ourselves?" The others shrugged, and Cathleen sighed.

"Perdita, I'm gonna try out our project. I need to do this." Perdita nodded, and held Cathleen's arm. Focusing, Cathleen turned her wheelchair into her exoskeleton. This shocked everyone, even more when she shakily stood up.

"It worked, Perdita, it actually works." She said, as she had the legs move her forward. The two sat down, and Garfield sat next to his girlfriend.

"Well, my name is Garfield Logan, and I can turn into any animal there is. This is my amazing girlfriend, Queen Perdita of Latvia, and we met at Wally's funeral." Garfield Said, and Wally stood up.

"Wally West, I'm a speedster, retired actually, and the day I met Queen Perdita changed me in a good way." Perdita smiled, and everyone else did as well.

"Umm, Tara Markov, I was Princess of Markovia, and my favorite color is sky blue." She said, and everyone laughed.

"Breon, Geoforce powers, and I'm dating Violet Harper." He cuddled with Said girl as he said this.

"Halo, my powers are mother box, I'm dating Breon." She said, and this made them smile. The girl was so nice, and they loved how happy she was.

"Victor, and my father fused me to a father box. I used to play football." Cyborg Said, and everyone looked at Cathleen.

"I'm Cathleen Grace, and I can communicate with technology, and control it." She said, and stood up.

"Wait, I thought you couldn't use your legs?" Halo Said, and Cathleen chuckled.

"I can't, but we built an exoskeleton I can control with my mind, enabling me to walk." She said, and the others were impressed.

"Wow, that's cool." Wally Said, and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well, it's what I've got. Ok, I need to sit." She said, as her exoskeleton turned into her wheelchair.

"You might be able to walk again Cathleen, maybe not yet, but soon." Wally Said, and she sighed.

"I hope so, cuz I love my family. I really do, they just drive me crazy. I miss the way we used to be, before I got shot and was reduced to penalized. They didn't shelter me so much, they weren't constantly worried, they actually let me live my life. I just want them to treat me like before, not like I'm dependent on help." Cathleen Said, and the other metas gave her a group hug.

"Don't worry, we're here for you. Us metas and Royals have to stick together, right?" Garfield Said, and they broke out laughing.

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now