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It had been three years, three years since she almost died. Cathleen did make it through that terrifying time, and was now finally used to her life. However, a year ago, everything changed.

Bruce adopted Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, and Barbra got paralyzed. So, now she u understood Cathleens life. The two have been butting heads slightly at their roles in the Batclan, but Barbra is winning on that one.

She was sick of it, how just because Barbra was older, she was the one they wanted now as backup. Her brother didn't even know that she grabbed the feed from his contact lens, and only Cassy gave her any information freely.

However, that was gonna change. She was able to gather enough information to help with the meta human trafficking, she found evidence that her family didn't even find.

Cathleen also managed to gather a bunch of evidence regarding Tara Markov, also known in the criminal world as Terra. She really didn't trust the girl, but who's gonna believe a ten year old such as herself.

Geoforce, Halo, and Forager all are good people. Gabrielle has a clean record, and had a bad past. Brion is a good kid, he has a good heart and the best intentions. Just, some anger issues.

So, she knows her brother will need more help. Also, he needs to know, that the only reason the JLA haven't learned about what he's been doing is thanks to her. She wants to feel valued again, and not feel sheltered.

"Alfred, please. Ever since the incident three years ago, all everyone has ever done is shelter me. I am sick of it, I can't take it. It's bad enough that the fall permanently paralyzed my legs, but the fact that I've been pushed to the side is inexcusable.

Dick needs to remember that I want to help, that I can help from afar. He needs help, and I want to help. The only person actually giving me any information is Cassy, and she can't speak!" Cathleen Said, as the family Butler listened to her rant. He sympathized with her, he knew she was extremely bright and wanted to do nothing but help.

"Fine, I'll take you to Master Richard. However, you have to listen to him. Also, if Master Bruce finds out, I will not be responsible." Cathleen nodded, and wheeled to her desk. In a secret compartment she made, she pulled out all her research and useful stuff.

"Ok, I'm ready Alfred. Now, let's go to the cave." She said, as she placed everything in a bag, and wheeled to the car.


"Ok, today we're gonna be working on new team maneuvers. I want Geoforce and Tara to try and use their powers together, Halo, try to expand your Ora, and Forager, just go with it." The small group nodded, but then Connor tapped Dick shoulder.

"What is it SB?" Asked Dick, Connor turned and pointed to the black car that was approaching. Everyone turned to look at it, who could it be? That's when the driver stepped out, and Dick recognized him immediately.

"What the hell is Agent A doing here?" He muttered as he slowly approached the vehicle, everyone saw the driver open the door in the back, and he pulled out a wheelchair. Then helped a little girl, around ten years old out.

"Wait here please Alfred, I need to do this." The driver nodded, and stayed with the car, while the girl wheeled towards Nightwing.

"What the heck are you doing here?!?" Nightwing Cried out, making Cathleen wince.

"Oh, is it a crime to help you out?!?!? Am I not allowed to even know about what's been going on and what you have been doing?!?" She said, as she got to her brother. Said person was still close to the group of people.

"No, you're supposed to be home. Not here in Happy Harbor, what the heck are you doing?!?" Dick said in exasperation, and the girl glared at him. Everyone shivered, that glare was scary.

"I told you, I'm here to help. You clearly need it, and Oracle can't be two places at once!" The girl said, and Black Lightning stiffened. Who is this girl?

"What is it that you want to do? You know you're not allowed to be in the field." Dick said as he bent down, gently placing a hand on his sisters shoulder.

"I just want to be included! This last year I was taken off helping, not allowed to know what's been going on. Don't you think I'd notice, notice everyone keeping things from me. Trying to shelter me from the world, trying to keep me safe.

I'm sick of it, I'm done with it! I want to help you guys, that's all I've ever wanted, but your treating me like a baby!" The girl cried out, and the group of people still want to know why she's exploding at Dick.

"Cathy, we all want to keep you safe. It's our jobs." Dick said, but the girl glared at him.

"I don't care! Do you realize I'm the reason why none of this has been discovered by the Justice League, that I'm the one who made sure your hacking the Justice League went undetected!

I've been keeping your operation secret and well hidden, I've been keeping the world off your back. I also found you evidence, evidence of Meta Human trafficking everywhere! Yet you forgot that I have used that'll help you!" The girl cried out, as she chucked a bag at Dick. Then wheeled back to the car.

"Cathy Wait!" Dick said, but she just kept going.

"No, I'll see you later. Have fun, I'll just be heading home. Where I am apparently confined to now, also, don't try talking to me later." Then she got back into the car and left, Dick walked back looking guilty.

"Dick, Who was that?" Asked Connor, and he sighed.

"My little sister, remember her from a few years ago?" He Asked, and Connor and Artemis realized that.

"Oh, dang, she used to be so sweet." Artemis Said, and Dick sighed.

"Yeah, but that was before she almost didn't come back." He said, then he had them do their exercises.


Cathleen was silently crying in her room, she couldn't believe Dick. He was so pig headed! Cathleen then wheeled to her computers, and pulled up the one file.

It had a picture, of when her brother was still really happy. It was when the team just formed, she didn't know him before he was Nightwing, but she's heard enough stories.

After his friend Wally died, he's been different. He still smiles, just it's not the same as before. She remembered Wally, she knows that her brother is faking happiness. She also knows Wally isn't really dead per say, more like he just is trapped.

Pulling up her research and simulations, she was so close. She took a scan of the area, and there was a disturbance in the spectral phase. Cathleen has an idea that Wally was just stuck in a place we couldn't see, all her data proves it.

"Ok, let's see. How to get you home, cuz you are needed Wally." She said quietly, as she got to work.

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now