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So, its been about two days since we came to the watchtower. Me and Damien have been board out of our minds, the others are constantly gone, and they leave us behind for hours at a time. We've tried hacking the league's computer, but someone is always there monitoring it. I mean, who constantly looks at a screen for that long?!? Well, the watchtower is cozy, but I'm seriously getting annoyed with all the questions I keep getting.
Anywhoo, we haven't heard from daddy in a while, and that worries me.
"Damien, do you think daddy is ok?" He looks at me then sighs.
"I don't know, but father is strong, I'm sure he's fine." Just then, the alarm goes off. Damien jumps up in shock, and I just scream. Dick and Jason came running to us, and I knew those looks they wore.
"We're under attack, we have to get you both out of here! Now grab your go bags, then follow us!" Dick yells, Damien runs off to grab our bags, they also have our blankets in them, and I just look at my brother in fear.
"Dick, I can't walk!" He just picks me up, then Jason turns my wheelchair into my cane. Once Damien appears, we rush off to the Zeta. As we head there, we pass lots of fighting. I see babs is down, and so is Timmy.
"Batgirl Red Robin! We have to help them!" I yell, but Dick just looks at me.
"Cathy, I'm sorry, but we have to get you and little D out first."
"No, they're family, family doesn't leave each other behind!" I'm crying, but as we see the Zeta, Dick falls with a loud cry. I hit the ground hard, and I look up to see Dick lying on the floor, a few feet from me. I grunt then start to drag myself over to him, I get there, and see he's bleeding.
"Dickie!" I whisper yelled, and he looked at me with a worried expression.
"Go!" That was all he said before he got up and joined the fight.
"Jay Bird!" I scream, he turns around and sees me, then rushes to get me.
"Where'd that dickhead go?"
"Black there, he got shot and then told me to go." I start to cry, Jason sets me down next to Damien, then starts to type something. Just as the light flashes us away, I see Jason get shot.
"Jay bird!!!" I scream just as I Zeta out.
The team and league had no clue who managed to breach the watchtower, but they were pissed. These enemies hurt all the batclan, and the youngest members.
"Dan, the two kids got away! Red helmet got them to the beam thingy, then he destroyed the history. We lost them." The leader spins then puts a knife in the guys shoulder.
"I told you to go specifically for those two brats, how is it you get all of them but those two!?!? They are fucking children, now go and start looking for them!" The one dude scurry away, then the team gets pissed. Midnight and Robin where sweet kids, more so Midnight then Robin. Why did these turds want them.
"You stay the hell away from my siblings!!" Nightwing yells, and he is angry.
"Oh, I dont think you get it. We have Batman, and if we want to end his little vigilante club, we need all you bats. That includes the children." Nightwing struggles, but then is knocked out. Gas starts to fill the room, and then everyone is knocked out.


Jason sent us to our hideout in the watchtower, it's not big. In fact, it's only big enough for two beds, a Zeta, and a big computer. I'm on the floor, sobbing, but then Damien runs to the computer.
"No!" He says as he slams his fist into the computer.
"They have them all, and they have father!" He hits the computer again, and my crying intensified.
"Oh, sister. I didn't, I'm an idiot." He rushes to me and gives me a hug. I lean into his embrace, I'm one of the few people Damien shows his soft side to.
"Damien, do, do you think they'll kill them?" I ask, worry is clear in my voice.
"I don't know, but I'm gonna get them back. Here you go." He helps me get into my wheelchair, then places my bulletproof blanket on me.
"I'll be back soon, if I'm not, then contact those other heroes who aren't in the League. Just don't risk yourself ok?" I just nod, then Damien kisses my forehead, then runs through the Zeta. Once he was gone, I wheeled over to one of the beds and climbed on, then started sobbing.
Time skip to next day
I woke up, huh, I guess I fell asleep last night. I clever into my wheelchair, and head to the computer. I see a message from Damien.
"Midnight, they're coming for you. Get out of there now! They want you, you have to stay hidden sister. Please hurry, I have bought you an hour, but please hurry, and get help." Then the call ended. I look at the time stamp, and pale. This was sent about fifty minutes ago, so I'm screwed. I wheel and grab me and Damien's go bag, then wheel to the Zeta. I get in, then order it to destroy itself after I leave. I head to Gotham, then I head to look for Damien and my family.
Time skip
Ok, I found them, bad news, I'm paralyzed. So since they don't know about me, I'm gonna use it to my advantage. I wheel over to the computer, then quickly hack into it. I figure out where they all are, then I hack the video feed and see how many people are there. I pale, there are like 20 people each five heroes. Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming, I quickly put one of my tool toys on the back of the computer, then wheel myself to an air vent, I turn my wheelchair into my cane, then close the vent. Just as I closed it, the people passed by me.
I then used my holo gloves, and hacked the heat and motion sensors, then started to slowly army crawl to where my family was.
It took me like thirty minutes, and I was physically exhausted. But I still was unnoticed, and when I peaked down, I paled. Damien was tied up and hurt, Daddy was tied up and hurt. Everyone was actually tied up and hurt, but my family was the worst. I slowly lowered myself to the support beam, and then hacked the system. I activated the alarm in the opposite end of the building, half the people rushed out. I figured that it wouldn't get any better, so I grabbed Damien's bag and pulled out his backpack utility belt. I grabbed the bat a fangs, then prayed that this worked. I threw them and managed to cut all the ropes holding everyone, this scared the guards, but I took out the more dangerous ones and threw them at the guards. They crumbled to the ground, and then I smile. The others noticed that they are no longer tied up, and they start to untie themselves. However, the pillar I was on, it exploded. I yelped in surprise, and that got the attention of all the others in that room.
I hit the ground hard, and I wasn't able to soften my landing, and then I was winded. My ears where ringing, and then I tried to pull myself up, I managed to sit up. Sadly all I saw was the barrel of a gun pointed at my face, my hearing finally came back and I wish it didn't.
"Wow, who would have thought a child could get past my defenses?" Then they laugh, and I'm frozen, cuz I can't move my legs.
"Looks like the batclan is here, you are a bat right?" He asked, and I just roll my eyes under the mask, I was smart and didn't put an insignia on my suit.
"Do I look like a bat?"
"No, but I'll still have fun." Hen he grabbed me by my neck and started dragging me out to somewhere else in the building. I was trying to punch him, but it was no use.
"Looks like the little hero is paralyzed, well, let's see if she floats!" Then he lifts me up and throws me out the window, and down towards the lake.
I'm screaming and panicked, I don't have a grapple gun, and I can't move my legs. I'm gonna drown, I hit something hard with my shoulder, then I can only feel pain. Next thing I know, I'm freezing cold, I hit the water. Everything is turning black, and I feel the water suffocating me. I see red starting to engulf me, and I feel everything going numb, till, nothing.


I saw Cathy get dragged out of the room, stupid guards came in to restrain us, but I looked at Batman.
"Go!" He says, before he starts to fight off the guards. I run after that guy, and I hear glass shatter, and someone scream. I hear something hit water, then my eyes widen. Cathy, she can't swim! I hear footsteps, and I see Damien joined me.
"You her sister, I'll get that guard." I just nod, then run to where laughter is coming from. When we arrive, the guy is standing half out the window looking down, Damien pulls him backwards, then I run and dive into the water.
As I was going down, I noticed how red the water was, then it hit me. She got hurt! When I hit the water, I instantly felt freezing cold, I put the reedbreather into my mouth and swam down. And I nearly gaged at what I saw. Cathleen, she was all pale, her arm was bleeding like crazy, her hair swirled around her face, half of her mask was missing, and what I saw was disturbing, her eye was half open, and her mouth was hanging open as well. I quickly grabbed her and swam up, I used my grapple gun to pull us back to the building. Once we where on ground, I started chest compressions. Her heart stopped beating, and she had no pulse.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Then I did moth to mouth, which I found repulsive since this is my baby sister, then more compressions. After I did this process like five times, water came up, and so did blood. I felt, she had a very weak pulse.
It was almost not there, her eye closed, and her bleeding intensified.
"No! Cathy stay with me." I say, and I try to stop the bleeding.
"Batman, we need you here now!" I scream into my com. I go back to trying to stop the blood, and Jason arrived and started to help me, and we weren't getting anywhere.
"Where is she?" Asked a worried Bruce.
"Here, she's loosing too much blood, and I already got her heart to start up again, if she looses anymore blood, she's not gonna be able to come back!" Bruce pushes me aside, and takes off his cape and starts to tie it over her wound. It manages to slow the blood flow, but not stop it. He quickly picks her up then rushes out of the room with her.

I grab Damien's hand, then pull him out and chase after Batman. We find him yelling orders at the League members. "Flash, get over here! I need you to bring Midnight to the Watchtower, now!" I see Flash hastily take Cathleen from Batman's arms, then speeds off to a zeta beam. I bring my crying brother over to our father, and I place a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me, then sighs. Damien rushes up to him, and wraps his arms around his midsection and starts to cry into his chest. Tim rushes over to Bruce and joins Damien, Jason comes over, and I can tell how broken he is on the inside.

"Come on, we'd better follow Flash. Midnight will need us, and Flash isn't us." Everyone just solemnly nods and follows me out of the building, we rush for a zeta tube, praying that we can save our little hero.

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now