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When Cathleen opened her eyes, she saw unfamiliar faces. Her eyes widened, where was she?!? Looking around, she paled. These were the tubes that killed kids, activities their meta gene!

Thinking fast, she activated her tracker. What, she stole a pair of those computer contact lenses. It's not her fault she finds tech easy to use and hack, besides, it could be her only chance.

'You said nothing about the child suffering from paralysis, this procedure has never been attempted with a person in this condition.' Someone said, and Cathleen paled.

'I don't care, this child has the meta gene, one that we have not seen before. Who knows what kind of powers are held inside her blood, we just need to activate them.' Someone else said, and Cathleen was panicking big time.

'That May be, but this procedure is already dangerous enough. This child won't be able to survive the tar process.' Someone else said, and that got Cathleen motivated.

'If she dies, we don't lose anything.' The voice said again, then she heard two people freeze. She looked up, and saw two people. One was a woman in a lab coat, the other was a man wearing a suit.

"Hmmm, She should still be under the effects of the knockout liquid. No matter, put her in the tube." The suited guy said, and two more people grabbed her. Cathleen was terrified, what were they doing to her?!?

"Let me go! Let me go!" She said, as she tried to get out of their grasp. Not being able to walk really sucked, especially since she wanted to run far away.

They threw her into the tube, and closed it. Cathleen banged on the glass, in a futile attempt to get out. That's when she heard something, looking down, she realized it was the tar. It was beginning to fill up the chamber she was in, Cathleen tried to hit the glass harder. It was now up to her waist, and in all honesty, she was terrified.

Cathleen was crying for help, trying to make them stop. Screaming for her brothers, for her dad, for anybody to save her. The tar was now just below her shoulders, and she was going into hysterics. That's when the purple boom tube opened up, and the tar reached her head. The last thing she saw was Halo, Geoforce, Tara, forager, Connor, Tigress, Wally, and Black Lightning exit the tube. She choked on the tar, and her hand finally fell limp in the tar.


They were all gathered cuz Dick called them, good thing to. For a distress signal went off, and not to long afterwards. Violet started glowing Indigo, and a boom tube opened up.

The others followed her, and were horrified. A little girl was being tard, she seemed to be terrified. They arrived right when the tar covered her head, they saw her arms stop and they saddened.

"What are you doing?!?" Wally Cried out, cuz he's never seen how meta genes are activated.

"They're activating her meta gene, we have to get her out before she dies." Connor said, as he punched someone. The group took no time finishing off the idiots, then they rushed to the tube.

Artemis hit a button, and it opened up. The tar spilled out, bringing with it, a young girl. About ten years old, Who was wearing a nightgown. She was mostly clean, just had tar covering her. Geoforce knelt next to her and rolled her over, and Wally gasped.

"It's Cathleen Grace, this is Dicks sister." Wally Said, and everyone gasped. Connor listened, but couldn't hear a heart beat.

"Guys, I don't hear a heartbeat." He said, and that's when Wally started chest compressions. After about three, tar cane spilling out of her mouth.

They all jumped back as her eyes flew open, she started to cough. Tar was exiting her lounge, and Artemis swore she saw the girls skin glow with the designs of a circuit board.

Cathleen then stopped coughing, only to go back to unconsciousness. Artemis called an ambulance, and Connor called Garfield. The boy may be able to help her adjust to having powers.

Halo, Forager, Lightning, and Geoforce and Tara his when the paramedics arrived. Wally did to, so only Tigress and Superboy we're identified. Cathleen was rushed to a hospital, still covered in Tar, and wearing her nightgown.

Time skip...

Garfield and Perdita entered the room, both feeling nervous. This girl, she would need help. They both knew that, just, Garfield almost died recently. Perdita wasn't letting him out of her sight, and she wanted to be there for this girl to.

They approached the bed, and they both felt sad. She was an eleven year old, well known and loved public figure. Now, she was gonna be targeted.

"Queeny, what if I can't help her?" Garfield asked his girlfriend, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Garfield, she will be lost and confused. Just like you were, she's suffered much. Like you have, you will be able to teach her. To help her, we both will." Perdita Said, and Garfield Hughes her. They separated, and that's when the girl opened her eyes.

"What, what happened?" She Asked, that's when she saw the two.

"Queen Perdita? Garfield? Where am I?" She Asked, and Perdita stepped forward.

"It's alright, you're safe. Tigress and Superboy saved you, they got you away from the meta human traffickers." Perdita Said, and the girl sat up.

"Wait, they made me a meta?" She Asked in fear, Garfield nodded.

"I'm afraid so, I know you must be feeling scared and confused. I know, I was there once, but we're here for you." He said, and that's when the two teens gasped. They saw light streak on her skin, then the electronics started to flicker. Cathleen gripped her head, clamping her eyes shut.

"It's too much, too much information. Turn it off, turn it off." She said, her voice filled with pain, and fear.

"Cathleen, What is wrong?" Perdita Asked, Cathleen simply kept her eyes shut.

"I can feel the technology, I can access it, it's all in my head. How do I make it stop, please,  and it stop." She looked up, and the two gasped. Binary code was visible in her eyes, and they emitted a strange purple glow.

"Cathleen, you have to clear your mind. Imagine that you're blocking out the tech, like your blocking out a Martian." Garfield said, and the girl did so. She instantly relaxed, and smiled.

"It worked, I can't hear the technology." She said in glee, making the seventeen year old smile.

"Are you still Beast Boy?" The girl Asked, and both teens were shocked.

"How'd you know?" Garfield Asked, and she smiled.

"My older brothers are friends of yours, and your sister." She said, and the two realized that she was a heroes kid.

"Who's your parent?" Asked the green boy.

"Batman, I used to help out, known as Midnight." This made the two even more shocked.

"I thought you were paralyzed?" Perdita Said, and she sadly nodded.

"Yeah, it's been three years. I wish, I wish that this meta gene fixed my legs. That's all I want, to be able to walk, so then I can help others. Not be the one that needs help, I hate being needy." She said, and Perdita got an idea.

"You want to be a hero." The girl nodded, and Perdita looked at Garfield.

"I've got an idea." She said, as she smiled. Cathleen and Garfield both were curious, what could the Queen want?

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now