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So, it's been a month since I was adopted by Bruce. My brothers have been really nice to me, and so has Alfred and Bruce. It's weird, to have a family again. I mean, nobody can replace my birth mom and dad, but this is my Vance to have a family again.
I'm homeschooled by Alfred, and I love school. I've already passed kids my age in the 'classroom', and now I'm learning things that older kids learn. Today, Dick taught me how to hack, and I've already successfully hacked the government. I'm not sure that's a good thing, but hey, I impressed everybody.
I've noticed how at night, my brothers, and Bruce, leave the house for hours. They don't know I've noticed this, but I have. Tonight I'm gonna follow Alfred, when he disappears for an hour.
So, since I've moved in to the manor, I've noticed how fit my family is. Dick I get, the others, not so much. Also, Barbra is over a lot. I don't know why, but she is. I'm gonna try to hack the Justice League's databank so I can find out how Bruce knows them so well.
Yeah, I know, I'm very mature for a 7 year old. But, what do you expect from a girl that was in Juvi for a year, and watched her parents die. So, yeah.
I put on my pijamas then fake fall asleep, then wait for Bruce and Alfred to both check on me before I sneak after Alfred. Bruce opens my room door, then walks over and gives me a kiss on my forehead, then walks out. I wait, an hour later, Alfred checks on me. Once my door shuts again, I slowly get up and then follow Alfred. He walks to the library, then goes to the clock, and moves the hands on it. It opens to reveal a hidden passage, and I quickly follow him in. I follow him down cold stone steps into a big cold and dark cave. I look around, and gape, this is the batcave.
I quickly come out of my shock and follow Alfred some more, he goes to the computer, and grabs some stuff. I quickly hide to avoid him spotting me on his way back up. Once he is gone, I go to the computer and turn it on. I use the skills Dick taught me, and hack the bat computer. Once I'm in, I gasp. There are files from the Justice League, and I found out the identities of the bats. My new family is the bat family! I search through all the files, and am just absorbing everything I read. There is one file, it looks like a case Batman is working on, so I opened it. I looked it over and laughed, the answer is so simple. It's a file, with a chemical makeup, and then a puzzle that leads to a lead. I quickly solve it, then close the file. I hear engines approaching, so I quickly turn off the computer and hide. I managed to hide under the computer just in time, the Batmobile, and then two motorcycles appeared, a second later, my brothers and father hoped out.
"Batman, that was a boring patrol. We only had some minor crimes, ever since Joker broke out of Arkam, crime has been scary low." Red Hood says.
"Your right, all the big crime people have not been active recently and that's what worry's me. Damien, Tim, Jason, and Dick, go change. I have some more work to do before I head up." The others nod, and I hold my breath. Bruce sits down in the chair and turns on the computer, then chuckles.
"Oh, Cathleen. I knew you'd find the batcave once Dick taught you how to hack, hmmm, it seems like you even helped me on the case I was working on, I'll have to thank you later. For now, let's see where you went." I hear him type some things, then he laughs and I see a face looking at me.
"Cathleen, come on out from under the bat computer." He gives me a hand, and I nervously take it. Once I'm out from under there, Bruce is smiling at me.
"When did you figure it out?"
"Tonight, I followed Alfred." I am nervous, Bruce then laughs.
"Good job, you know, it took Jason and Tim a bit longer than you to find this place. I'm very impressed, now come here." He puts me on his lap, I giggle as he tries to look serious.
"Now, Cathleen, I have an important question to ask you." I look at him with curiosity abundant in my face.
"Would you like to join me and your brothers for our nighttime jobs?" I think about it, but shake my head no.
"I don't want to, thank you for asking, but I can't stand violence. I can't fight, and I am scared of Guns, explosions, and clowns. I do want to help in some way, just not fighting." I look up at my father figure to see him smiling, understanding in his eyes.
"I understand your reasons Cathleen, and I get it. How about you stay here, and hack stuff for us, monitor communications, alert us of crimes, and stuff like that?" I think about it, this would alow me to still halo my family, whilst staying away from danger.
"I would like that very much, thank you." I hug Bruce and he hugs me back. I yawn, and rub my eyes.
"Looks like someone is tired, come on, let's get you to bed." I nod as Bruce carries me to my bedroom. I fall asleep on the way there, thinking about how I'm gonna have to get used to this. But I smile, this is gonna be fun.

Cathleen Josephine Maria GraceWhere stories live. Discover now