Chapter Twenty One: Payback.

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Yugyeom: Brooke... did you hear me?


Brooke: Yes. I.. I- I just need a minute to process... everything.

Yugyeom: I'm sorry for overwhelming you with all of that.

Brooke: no. no... this was soomething i NEEDED to know.


Brooke: I just... i just have so many questions.....

Yugyeom: of course. I'll answer any questions you have.

Brooke: So you and i... we were together... and then we broke up?

Yuygeom: We didn't put a label on what we were yet. We liked each other and that was all that matters. Everybody knew about it too.

Brooke: So... we got into a fight because you told me a lie but the truth is you were trying to protect me?

Yugyeom: Yes.


Yugyeom: Brooke, I just need you to know that you're the only person i've ever wanted to be with. Ever since i've met you i've liked you and i know it's ridiculous to say but i really did like you before i've met you too because of the video you submitted.

Brooke: The video?

Yugyeom: Yes.

Brooke: ... the one i sent in for the Got7 contest?

Yugyeom: YES! Are you starting to remember?

Brooke: uhm.. little things are starting to come back, yes.

Yugyeom: That's good! Do you have any more questions to ask me?

Brooke: Do you like me?

Yugyeom: No.

Brooke: what? but didn't you just-

Yugyeom: I don't think i like you Brooke...


Yugyeom: I think I love you. In fact, i KNOW i love you.

Brooke: oh my god.

Brooke: I need some air.

Brooke immediately stood up and walked towards a balcony while you sat there for a few minutes. You wanted to give her some time alone to process everything. Finally you stood up and walked towards her.

She was leaning towards the railing and was sniffling.

Yugyeom: Brooke, are you okay. Please don't cry... okay

Brooke: I'm sorry, It's just nobody has really said that to me before besides my close friends and family.

Brooke: So i was a little shocked.

Yugyeom: I'm sorry to have shocked you like that.

Brooke: no no. don't be sorry.

Brooke: One more question... where does that leave us as of right now?

Yugyeom: well.. i guess that depends on you. Are you angry with what i did to you?

Brooke: Uhm.. now that i know the truth i don't think being mad at you is right. You did it because you cared for me...

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