《Chapter 21》

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~ Sooyun's P.O.V ~

I gaped at the couple standing at the entrance; dressed all wealthy. I was having the same reaction as the crowd, like who can that be? Grandma rapidly dashed up the stage and held my arm nervously.

"Sooyun~ah. They are your parents."

She uttered and my heart clenched at the words that just escaped her mouth. I stared into the crowd and the chatters around me gradually decreased leaving me in my own thoughts. It was as if the crowd slowly faded into the thin air.

The man, I mean my "father" signalled me to come towards him and I held my grandma's arm; clumping towards them. He grinned ear to ear and held me by my shoulder. Not gonna lie, I did flinch a little. Instantly, I felt a little lightheaded as a memory shoot across my mind.

It was obvious that there was my grandma, a man and a woman. To add to that, there were 2 kids; a girl and a boy to be specific, who were playing on the swing joyfully.

I unlatched my eyes to see the man and woman who appeared in my memory were actually standing beside me!

"Eomma. Abeoji", I managed to whisper those words beneath the huge lump in my throat. "I'm really proud that my daughter Min Soo Yun took over my place for these past years as we were away", my dad beamed to the crowd as if he wasn't aware of what had happened when they were "gone".

Suddenly a paparazzi spoke on behalf of the flustered crowd. "Mr and Mrs Min... Hope you both wouldn't mind about the question I'm about to a-ask"

My parents nodded and permitted them to continue. "Mind if you explain us where you both have been this whole time? There was a news years ago that you both were involved in an accident and deceased"

All my dad could do was, let out a nervous chuckle. That must have caught him off guard, honestly.

"Here is the explanation. I've been away from my mum and my daughter, Min Soo Yun for about 14 years now. It's because, I'm obviously known as a heir with greatest business strength. There will certainly be someone who wouldn't have a peace of mind on what you do and they will attempt all they could to take their enemy down. Frankly speaking, yes. Yes, we did go through such thing. The pressure was too much and this was the best we could do. To make it look like an accident and for our enemy to back off from whatever shit they were planned to do, especially from hurting my daughter. Now that the truth has been revealed, we are ready than ever to face anything as long as I have my intelligent daughter with me"

"I hope that is all the questions you have right now. Thank you", mum stated, gently snatching the microphone from my dad.

As soon as we got down the stage, my parents embraced me and grandma with a warm tight hug. I didn't know what to do. Should I hug them back?

I pulled away. Why did I even do that? I mentally facepalmed myself for being extremely rude. "I need an explanation", I replied coldly. "Come over here", I was lead to a conference room right beside the stage followed by mum and grandma.

"First of all, we've missed you and my mum so much!", my father cupped my cheeks and my mother embraced my grandma. "Moreover, what I've said on stage is merely a lie", he stated and I widened my eyes.

"Actually, we did involve in the accident. But! We didn't die and your mum was in coma for almost two years. Since we knew who it was behind the cruel act, we thought it would be better to show them the result of messing with us. That was the only reason why we carried out underground business and laid low for quite awhile"

"Quite awhile?! Dad, mum and you were gone for almost 14 years!"

"We know darling, however you should learn the truth. We did all that; from lying to my own mum, to the media...to you, just so that my Princess Sooyun could be safe. They threatened to hurt you, dear", mum explained.

"Yes mum, understood", we family hugged. "But dad. Can you and mum not take revenge on whoever you're talking about? It will just make things worse. In fact, it could backfire and there might not be a way to back off from it", I stated.

"We'll see about that, dear", dad reassured and patted my hair.


A/N: Hey there guys! I hope you liked the twist. I'm really sorry for this short chapter. Do vote, comment or follow me if you liked this story! Stay tune for more exciting chapters. Have a good day/ good night.

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K ❤

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